Giuseppe Pappalardo

Assistant Professor of Rural buildings and agro-forest land planning [AGRI-04/C]

Born in Catania on 28 March 1958, he graduated in 1983 at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Catania.
Since 1991 he has been a Technician at the Institute of Topography and Rural Construction. He has taken the following professional training courses: ‘Cartography and
With resolution No.11 of 9 July 1996 the Council of the Faculty of Agriculture nominated him Expert in the subject.
Since March 2001 he is a researcher based in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Buildings and Territory Section, of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Catania.
From 2001 – 2005 he taught ‘Buildings and Systems for Protected Crops’ (Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology based in Catania) and from 2003 – 2010 he taught ‘Surveying and Representation of Territory’ (Degree in Planning and Management of Green Areas, Parks and Gardens based in Caltagirone); in 2003/2004 he taught ‘Analysis and Planning in Agricultural and Forest Systems’ (Degree in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agricultural Science based in Ragusa); in 2004/2005 he taught ‘Complementary Studies in Buildings and Systems for the Conservation and Transformation of Agricultural Products’ (Degree in Food Science and Technology based in Catania).
From 2004 – 2010 he has been supply lecturer for ‘Rural Buildings and Livestock Production’ (Degree 47/S activated by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Messina); in 2011/2012, 2013/14, 2014/15 he taught ”Geomatics” (Degree in Planning, design and management of the territory and environment based in Catania).
He has been a member of various scientific research projects of national interest mostly dealing with defining parameters for planning dairies for the production of D.O.C. cheeses, premises for processing honey and vegetables and with the study of the problems associated with territorial planning with particular reference to the requalification of semi-urban or fringe agricultural areas and with the study of the connotative characteristics of traditional rural buildings in rapport with the countryside


  •     Pappalardo G., Russo P.. “The Formal Characteristics of Rural Buildings and their Rapport with the Countryside”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of  Scientific Research and development. Manuscript BC 06 016, 2007.
  •      Pappalardo G., Russo P.. “Un’applicazione GIS per la gestione informatizzata del verde urbano”. IX Convegno Nazionale AIIA su “L’e nell’ingegneria agraria, forestale e dell’industria agro-alimentare”, Firenze 25 – 26 ottobre 2007.
  •     Pappalardo G., Russo P.. “Un GIS per la gestione dei boschi in Sicilia”. 11° Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Torino 6-9 novembre 2007.
  •     Pappalardo G., Russo P.. “Un SIT per la carta d’uso del suolo in Sicilia”. 12° Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, l’Aquila 21-24 ottobre 2008.
  • Pappalardo G., Tomaselli G, Russo P.. “Marginal Periurban Agricultural Areas: A Support Method for Landscape Planning”. Landscape Use policy, 2014, 41, 97-109, Publisced online November 2014 /

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Planning and protection of the territory and the landscape; GIS