Academic Year 2024/2025 - Docente: UMBERTO ANASTASIRisultati di apprendimento attesi
The goal of the course is to guide students in the acquisition of knowledge and skills on the organization and management of agrosystems according to the agroecological approach, aimed at the conservation of natural resources and the planning of crop production in the Mediterranean environment. Starting from the basic knowledge learned from other agronomic disciplines, the main emergencies regarding the different compartments of agroecosystems (atmosphere, pedosphere, biosphere) and their ecological consequences, the strategies and tactics of management in an agroecological key of agricultural systems, from the field to the farm and territorial scale, will be the subject of study and in-depth analysis.
In particular, at the end of the course, the students will be able to:
i) demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply the systemic approach to the management of agroecosystems, with particular attention to agroecological models for the transition of agriculture towards sustainability and to possible strategies and tactics for the conservative management of soil, for the mitigation of climate change, for the improvement of the efficiency of use of native and auxiliary resources (solar radiation, organic matter and nutrients, water, spontaneous flora, crop germplasm);
ii) apply knowledge and understanding skills with a professional approach, and demonstrate adequate skills to design and support arguments aimed at solving problems related to the anthropic impact on agrosystems and the definition and application of agroecological strategies and tactics able to optimising the productive response of crops by maximising ecosystem services, at field, farm and territorial scales;
iii) collect and interpret data and information aimed at autonomously analyzing the dynamics, processes and effects of interventions carried out in the context of agrosystems in the Mediterranean environment, critically evaluating their environmental and social impact and any scientific and ethical implications, as well as identifying models, methods and tools for the design and management of resilient and regenerative agroecosystems;
iiii) communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions relating to topics of ecological and agronomic interest to specialists and non-specialists, using an holistic approach;
iiiii) develop, with specific reference to the discipline topics, learning skills that allow them to continue their university studies in subsequent cycles (Ph.D. and Master) with a high degree of autonomy.
Contribution of the discipline to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (
The contents of the discipline contribute to pursuing the following goals (G)-targets (T) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
- G2: T2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5;
- G4: T4.4;
- G5: T5.b;
- G6: T6.3, T6.4, T6.5, T6.6;
- G7: T7.2, T7.3;
- G8: T8.2, T8.6;
- G9: T9.5, T9c;
- G12: T12.2, T12.3, T12.4, T12.5, T12.b;
- G13: T13.1, T13.3;
- G15: T15.1, T15.3, T15.4.
Course Structure
If the course will be held in mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes to what was previously stated maybe introduced, in order to comply with the planned program reported in the syllabus.
*Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, if the conditions require it.
Information for students with disabilities and/or Learning disorders
To guarantee equal opportunities and in accordance with the current laws, students can ask for a personalinterview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectivesand specific needs.
It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participated inclusion - Services for Disabilitiesand/or Learning disorders) of the Department, prof. Anna De Angelis.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
Presentation of the course. Basic knowledge of systems theory and the epistemological basis of agroecology. Environment-agriculture relationship. The crisis of modern agriculture. The agroecological paradigm for the transition of agriculture towards sustainability.
Mediterranean environment: characteristics (resources and limitations); impact of climate change.
From ecosystem to agroecosystem. Analysis of the relationships between the abiotic (atmosphere), merobiotic (soil) and biotic (crops) components of the agroecosystem, and its hierarchical organization (field, farm, territory scale).
Productive response of crops to agronomic factors. Ecosystem services.
Effects of anthropic action on the agroecosystem: consumption, degradation and loss of fertility of agricultural soils; release of pollutants, genetic erosion.
The design of agrosystems at a territorial scale: models, methods and analitycal tools.
Agroecosystem management from an agroecological perspective (agrometeorology and agrometeorological services, land arrangements and soil tillage, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, choice of crops and their organization in space and time).
Resilient and regenerative agricultural systems at a territorial scale (polycultures, agroforestry).
Comparison and assessment of the agroecological performance of conventional and conservative agricultural models.
Textbook Information
1. D.J. Connor, R.S. Loomis, KG. Cassman. Crop ecology: productivity and Management in Agricultural Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
2. M. Altieri Agroecology. The Science Of Sustainable Agriculture. Taylor & Francis, 1996
3. K. T. Osman. Soil Degradation, Conservation and Remediation. Springer, 2014.
4. A. Imeson. Desertification, Land Degradation and Sustainability. Wiley, 2011.
5. Lecture notes provided by the teacher (ppt presentations of the lessons, notes on the topics covered).
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Crisis in modern agriculture: causes and solutions. Ecological thinking. Conceptual basis of systems theory and ecology. Environment-agriculture relationship. Ecology, Agronomy, Agroecology. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
2 | Agrosystem and relationships between components: abiotic,merobiotic, biotic.Hierarchical organization. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
3 | Yield and productive response (quantitative-qualitative) of crops to agronomic factors. Ecosystem services. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
4 | Impact of anthropic action on the agroecosystem: consumption, degradation and loss of fertility of agricultural soils; release of pollutants, genetic erosion. | Book 1, 2, 3 and 4. Lecture notes by teacher |
5 | Design of agrosystems at farm and territorial scale: models, methods and analysis tools. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
6 | Sustainable management of the soil resource. Hydraulic arrangements,tillage , fertilization, irrigation, regulation of biotic communities (spontaneous flora, useful and harmful telluric organisms). | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
7 | Management of the atmospheric compartment of the agroecosystem. Climatic classifications: Mediterranean climate. Crop protection from adverse weather conditions. Climate change: causes, impact, adaptation and mitigation strategies. Dry farming. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
8 | Management of the biotic compartment of the agroecosystem. Choice and spatial-temporal organization of crops (crop rotation and intercropping) in the Mediterranean environment. Cover crops. Agroforestry. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
9 | Agroecological role ofagrobiodiversity. Biotechnologies and GMOs; energy crops: importance and scientific criticism | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
10 | Transition of agriculture towards sustainability. Sustainable intensification. Comparative evaluation of agricultural models: conventional and conservative. | Book 1 and 2. Lecture notes by teacher |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Oral exam
In particular, the achievement of the learning outcomes will be ascertained through an oral discussion with the student, during which the performance will be assessed in terms of the level of preparation achieved on the subjects of the discipline, argumentative and synthesis skills, clarity and language properties, with specific reference to technical terminology, as well as interdisciplinary connection skills and the degree of in-depth analysis. Verification of learning can also be done electronically, if the conditions require it. The evaluation will be expressed according to the following scale:
i) insufficient performance (<18). The student shows incomplete and superficial knowledge of the subjects of the discipline and lack of argumentative skills, does not express itself clearly and appropriately;
ii) sufficient performance (18 ÷ 20/30). The student has understood and demonstrates to know, albeit generically, the topics of the discipline, possesses satisfactory argumentative and expository skills, and language properties;
iii) fair performance (21 ÷ 23/30). The student shows a fairly good understanding and knowledge of the subjects of the discipline, as well as fairly good argumentative and expository skills and language properties;
iiii) good performance (24 ÷ 26/30). The student shows a good understanding and knowledge of the topics of the discipline, as well as good argumentative and expository skills and language properties,
iiiii) optimal performance (27 ÷ 29/30) The student shows an optimal degree of understanding and knowledge of the subjects of the discipline, as well as optimal argumentative skills and interdisciplinary connection, optimal analytical and synthesis skills, clarity and language properties;
iiiiii) excellent performance (30/30 ÷ 30/30 cum laude) The student shows full mastery of the subjects of the discipline, as well as excellent argumentative skills and interdisciplinary connection, clarity and confidence in presentation and language properties. Honors are given to the particularly deserving student, who will have shown specific interest in the topics of the discipline attested by a high degree of in-depth study.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
1. Characteristics of the Mediterranean environment: resources and limitations
2. Agrometeorological services
3. Conservative soil tillage
4. Integrated weed management
5. Cover crops
6. Concept of resilience