Academic Year 2024/2025 - Docente: LUCIA ZAPPALA'Risultati di apprendimento attesi
1) Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to provide insights into methods for controlling harmful pests in agriculture in order to develop technical skills for the definition of programs for the protection of plants from insects and other harmful animal organisms. In particular, students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on: i) Evolution of the methods of animal pest control; ii) Plant protection methods (agronomic, biological, biotechnical, physical, genetic and biotechnologies, chemical); iii) examples of integrated control applications.
2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Through the acquisition of knowledge on the main and most up-to-date techniques for controlling pest infestations, students will acquire the ability to plan modern strategies for sustainable control of animal organisms harmful to agricultural crops.
3) Autonomy of judgment: With the help of lectures, laboratory work, field visits and seminars, students will acquire full autonomy in choosing the most effective, sustainable and up-to-date methods for the management of crop pests.
4) Communication skills: Through the reading of scientific articles and participation to seminars on specific topics, but above all through the realization, at the end of the course, of thematic group studies with consequent presentation of the relative results, students will develop a correct technical-scientific terminology in the field of protection of agricultural crops.
5) Learning skills: The course will contribute to the development of skills and autonomy of analysis useful for the development of skills in carrying out technical consultancy activities for the definition of sustainable crop protection plans as well as in carrying out research activities, especially aimed to finding of scientifically valid sources of information, the analysis of scientific results and the preparation of the thesis as well as working in the field of plant protection.
Course Structure
The course will comprise classes (n. 21 hrs), laboratory and field training, seminars and other activities (n. 42 hrs) (traditional classes or online courses)
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA.
As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs).
Required Prerequisites
Basic knowledge of agricultural entomology
Attendance of Lessons
Highly recommended. Although attendance at classes is not mandatory, mid-term test and final ppt presentation are only allowed to those attending at least 60% of classes (see Evaluation section for details). An oral exam on the whole course programme will be taken by those not attending classes or not reaching 60% attendance.
Detailed Course Content
Evolution of the control methods of insect and other arthropod pests. Integrated pest management: principles and application techniques. Principles of biological control. Cultural methods. Biotechnical methods: semiochemicals and signal manipulation. Physical methods. Genetic methods and biotechnologies for pest control. Chemical control: Chemical and biochemical properties of pesticides; Legislation. Examples of IPM applications.
Textbook Information
1. Radcliffe E.B., Hutchinson W.D., Cancelado R.E. (Eds.). 2008. Integrated Pest Management. Concepts, Tactics, Strategies and Case Studies. Cambridge University Press [ISBN: 9780521875950]
2. Kogan, M.; Jepson, P. C. 2007. Perspectives in ecological theory and integrated pest management. Cambridge University Press [ISBN: 9780511752353]
3. Coll, M., Wajnberg, E. (Eds.) 2017. Environmental pest management : challenges for agronomists, ecologists, economists and policymakers. John Wiley and Sons Ltd [ISBN: 9781119255550]
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
One mid-term test will be given at about 3/4 of the course and will focus on the whole program except for integrated control applications. A second test will consist of a ppt presentation on the different control techniques of a pest chosen by the student. The evaluation will be made out of thirty. It will be necessary to obtain at least a pass (18/30) in both tests to consider the exam passed. This evaluation will be reserved for students who have attended at least 60% of the lessons. The professor reserves the right to ask further questions during the presentation, in order to verify the specific knowledge and skills acquired by the student.
The marks assigned will follow the following scheme:
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies.
Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize.
Use of references: Completely inappropriate.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections.
Analysis and synthesis skills: Just enough skills.
Use of references: As appropriate.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge.
Analysis and synthesis skills: Correct analysis and synthesis, with logical and coherent argumentation skills.
Use of references: Use of standard references.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good.
Ability to analyze and synthesize: Good, with arguments expressed consistently.
Use of references: Use of standard references.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: More than good.
Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.
Use of references: In-depth.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent.
Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.
Use of references: Important insights.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
- Please illustrate the open field application of physical means of pest control
- Please describe the mating disruption technique
- Please explains the secondary effects of plant protection products