Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year - Curriculum Pianificazione del paesaggio
Teaching Staff: Luisa Biondi
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Understanding of the relationships between the animal production systems and the environment.

Course Structure

Classes, seminars and practice exercise, including also technical visit.

Detailed Course Content

1. Animal production systems and products of animal origin: comments on statistical data; past and future projection. Animal production systems classification according to FAO. Natural resources use in animal production systems.

2. Animal production as a source of land protection or degradation. Multifunctional role of pasture. The role of grazing management in pastoral systems. Outlines on dry matter intake estimation by grazing animals.

3. Animal production and environment pollution. Technical and feeding strategies to mitigate nitrogen and phoshporus pollution from monogastric and ruminants. Gas emissions and air pollution. Elements of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); outlines on carbon and water footprint.

4. Example of GIS applied to livestock field.

5. Sustainability: indicators and indexes in the different animal production systems.

6. Organic farming systems. Differences between conventional and organic systems according to the EU rules. Product quality in conventional and organic systems.

Textbook Information

Stefanon B., Mele M., Pulina G. Allevamento animale e sosteniblità ambientale. I principi. FrancoAngeli Editore, 2018.

In addition, notes prepared by the professor and papers published in national journals or books are provided. All the suggested educational materials, including the slides commented during classes, are available on Studium.