Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe Pappalardo
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Provide the basic knowledge of the Topography aimed at the survay and analytical representation of the terrestrial physical surface through the use of modern methods and tools.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and exercises.

Detailed Course Content

General - Definition of matter. Shape and size of the Earth. Geographic coordinates. Geodetic and Topographical field field. surveying instruments - General considerations on surveying instruments and setting of important issues. Basics. Conditions of rectification and instrumental of a protractor. direct and indirect measurement of distances. Methods of measurement of the angles. Plan - General on planimetric surveys. Triangulations. Calculation and closed and open Polygonal compensation. Detection of detail. Altimetry - The leveling. Leveling tools and methods used in the topographical practice. Various types of levels. elevation of the terrain representation. Celerimensura - General information on the complete surveying methods. Field operations. celerimetrici calculations. Surveying - Numerical methods, mechanical and graphics for the determination of areas. Problems inherent in the division of arre and rectification of boundaries. Cartography - The regional technical maps, and thematic maps. Elements of digital cartography. Of Italy cards. The U.T.M. system Photogrammetry - Basics. The grip frame. Photogrammetric. Straightening. The stereoscope. Photo interpretation and its applications in agriculture. The use map of the soil. infrared application in the search for some of the plants diseases. Remote sensing - Space applications of the photogrammetric method. The production of images from space. The radar. Scanners. Applications of remote sensing in agriculture. The GPS satellites. The geodetic GPS.

Textbook Information

Slide and class notes.