Physico-chemical methodologies for the environment

Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
  • FISICA APPLICATA ALL'AMBIENTE: Marco Salvatore Mario La Cognata
  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry: Cristina Abbate
Credit Value: 14
Taught classes: 80 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    Elementary substances (oxides, hydroxides, acids, salts); equilibria in solution; pH; buffer solutions; chemical bonds; oxidation numbers; oxide-reduction reactions; main functional groups of organic compounds; sugars, fats and proteins.

    Chemical physical and biological properties of soils; primary metabolism of plants; cycle of the main nutrients in the soil-plant system.

Textbook Information

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    1. P. Sequi. Fondamenti di chimica del suolo. Pàtron Editore.

    2. P. Violante. Chimica del suolo e della nutrizione delle piante. Edagricole.

    3. M. Bosetto, I. Lozzi. Elementi di biochimica agraria. Aracne.

    4. Electronic supports supplied by the teacher; scientific articles from national and international journals and teacher lecture notes.