Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Gestione sostenibile del territorio agroforestale and Curriculum Pianificazione territoriale, ambientale e del paesaggio
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Environmental Economics

    Provide the knowledge for understanding the relationship between the economic system and environmental resources, the principles and tools of economic policy useful for generating an improvement in social well-being in line with the needs of sustainable development.

  • Territorial economic analisys

    The aim of the course is to provide basic theoretical knowledge and provide a framework of the main indicators on the demographic, economic and social context of a given territory. It also aims to provide knowledge on the main methodological tools for carrying out analyzes regarding socio-cultural processes and the economic, demographic and employment characteristics of specific local context.

Course Structure

  • Environmental Economics

    Principles of general economics; The environment and the economic system; Environmental externalities; The tools for regulating externalities; International, community and national environmental policies; Criteria for the use of renewable and non-renewable resources; Economics and politics of climate change; Principles and models of territorial organization.

    As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

  • Territorial economic analisys

    The course consists of theoretical lectures and practical exercises aimed at provinding the basis for the development of issues concerning the socio-economic analysis of the territory. Work group and devepoment of reports are also promoted to actively involve students and to improove skills at dealing with a subject independently.


    As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline.
    It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis

Detailed Course Content

  • Environmental Economics

    1 Introduction to the course.

    2 The extended economy.

    3 Environment and ethics.

    4 Economic growth, population growth and the environment. The environmental Kuznets curve.

    5 Sustainable development and environmental sustainability indicators.

    6 Conferences and international agreements for the transnational protection of the environment.

    7 The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the state of implementation in Italy.

    8 The functioning of the markets and their failures.

    9 The failure of public intervention.

    10 Circular economy, bioeconomy and efficient use of resources. The green economy and sustainable finance.

    11 Decision support tools: notes on Cost-Benefit Analysis.

    12 Risk and uncertainty.

    13 Environmental policies - The subjects: the life cycle of an environmental policy and the institutions. International, European and national agencies.

    14 Environmental policies - The guiding principles: “Polluter payments”; "Paying user"; "Precautionary"; "Of subsidiarity"; "Do no significant harm - DNSH".

    15 Environmental policies - The tools: Mechanisms based on the functioning of the market. Ecological taxes. Negotiable permits.

    16 Mechanisms based on regulatory instruments: environmental standards.

    17 Voluntary tools: ecological balances, environmental labeling and certification systems, life cycle analysis, environmental balances.

    18 The role of environmental accounting.

    19 Energy, environment, climate and territory: renewable resources.

    20 Energy, environment, climate and territory: non-renewable resources.

    21 Climate change: scientific evidence, contrast strategies and tools.The role of the United Nations; the Conferences of the Parties and international agreements.

    22 The EU's environmental policy. Birth and evolution: institutions, strategies, objectives and main legislative acts.

    23 The EU environmental action programs.

    24 The Emission Trading Scheme and the initiatives for achieving decarbonisation and climate neutrality.

    25 The European New Green Deal.

    26 Environmental policy in Italy: Evolutionary phases and recent initiatives of Italian environmental policy.

    27 The national strategy for sustainable development.

    28 The state of natural capital and biodiversity in the international context and in Italy.

    29 The energy transition and the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for Italy.

    30 The Environmental Energy Plan of the Sicilian Region (PEARS 2030).

  • Territorial economic analisys

    Introduction to the course

    A1- Definitions of territory - Space and economic theory - Definition of "region": homogeneous region, nodal region and programming region - Analysis of the locations of production activities - Network models - Principles of agglomeration, space competition, spatial interaction, hierarchy, and territorial competitiveness -

    A2 - The variation of economic aggregates over time: elementary index numbers and related properties, series of fixed-based index numbers and mobile base, synthetic index numbers

    A3 - Statistical sources - Demographic data and their detection. Sources of state data: censuses. Flow statistics. - Population, growth rates and demographic structure - The measures of the demographic increase. Increase and rate of increase - Territorial distribution of companies and forms of land use - Labor market measures: employment rate, unemployment, activity. The Labor Force Survey -

    A4 - Measures and analysis of income and poverty inequality. - Measurement and decomposition of territorial development gaps. - Personal and family income. Measures of inequality. Analysis and measures of poverty; the indices of diffusion and intensity of poverty, the index of Sen. Indicators of human development. -

    A5- Structural characteristics of local economic systems and classifications of economic activities - Social capital, role of interactions and social norms. Measures of social capital -

    A6 - Overview of public policy evaluation methodologies for land management - Participatory processes and methods in land planning and management - AGENDA21 and sustainable territorial planning

Textbook Information

  • Environmental Economics

    Field, Barry C. & Field M. K.. Environmental economics: an introduction, New York : McGraw Hill, 2017

  • Territorial economic analisys

    1. Aurelio Bruzzo (2015) Analisi economica del territorio. Letture sulla scienza regionale, ed. Aracne

    2. Roberta Capello (2004), Economia regionale, il Mulino

    3. Camagni R. (2008), Principi di economia urbana e territoriale, Roma, Carocci

    4. Del Colle E., Esposito G. F. (a cura di) (1999), Economia e statistica per il territorio, Franco Angeli, Milano.

    5. Renato Guaririni, Franco Tassinari (2000), Statistica economica, Il Mulino