Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Alessandro D'Emilio
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The main goal is to provide tools to design sustainable infrastructure assets, using the methodologies and the latest techniques in the field, with the aim of training them to act in land management activities.

Detailed Course Content


Network infrastructures and centralized infrastructures. Transport linear infrastructures.


Definition of greenway: differences between Europe and America. The ecological importance of a greenway. Urban greenways. Technical design elements. Analysis of Land Resources. Study of the track. Plan for non-motorized mobility in Sicily. Geometrical characteristics of the track. Design of a greenway in relation to the users (walker and/or biker). The D.M. 557/99. Notes on the dimensioning of bridleways. The pavement of a greenway. The layered structure of a pavement. Methods of stabilization of the substrate. Examples of paving with different materials. Connections between the greenway and motorized traffic. Intersections between greenway and motorized traffic. Comfort in a greenway through bioclimatic design and the rest areas. The recovery of abandoned railways.


The Road Ecology. Ecological impacts of a linear transport infrastructure. Biodiversity conservation and road safety. Defragmentation of ecosystems. Eco-design and mitigation actions. Design of wildlife crossings in relation to the size of the animals.

The landscape design of roads. Street-landscape relationship. The landscape and the rules of the road. Design methodology. Case studies.

Textbook Information

1 - A.Toccolini, N. Fumagalli, G. Senes, “Progettare i percorsi verdi – Manuale per la realizzazione di greenways”, Maggioli editore, 2004.

2 - M.Dinetti, “Progettazione ecologica delle infrastrutture di trasporto”, Felici editore, 2012.

3 - A.L. Monti, M.L. Boriani, “La progettazione paesaggistica delle strade”, Flaccovio, 2011.