Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
  • Territorial economic analisys : Gabriella Vindigni
  • Sociology of the Environment and Territory: Carlo Colloca
Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Sociology of the Environment and Territory

    The course allows you to acquire the theoretical and methodological skills to sociologically oriented analysis of the socio-territorial changes, taking into account the socio-cultural, economic and urban planning. After completing this module the knowledge, skills and abilities that the student will have to demonstrate that they have acquired are attributable to the correct conceptual and methodological development of the socio-spatial processes at work proving to be able to discern the different urban and rural types detectable in contemporary societies. About reference to the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the module aims to develop an education that goes in the direction of encouraging an approach to the interdisciplinary study of the socio-territorial dynamics, an exercise in teamwork and in the design tables. In terms of independent evaluation module cultivates an exercise habit to reflexivity and self-assessment and evaluation to mature overrun by 'drifts Eurocentric' for the benefit of a proper assessment of the non-Western local contexts. The care module, also, the development of a communications strategy aimed at knowing how to interact with various stakeholders both in the design and development of the area as a heritage and common good, in particular institutional and social actors. It is central, finally, to give students a scientifically based sociological language. In terms of the ability to learn the module involves students in a functional process to a critical analysis of any similarities or differences in the naming and framing processes for defining, structuring and planning of the territory.

Detailed Course Content

  • Sociology of the Environment and Territory

    The module provides students with the analytical tools and useful method to the analysis of the most recent transformations of urban and rural systems. The training develops - through a sociologically oriented reflection - an analysis of the processes of social change involving urban and rural local contexts with reference to population density, residential mobility, tourism and migration, social movements, the transformation and the destination of cultural and natural resources, the urban planning and architectural design, sustainable development, paying particular attention to the processes of exclusion and social marginalization that cross the territories.

Textbook Information

  • Sociology of the Environment and Territory
    1. Carlo Colloca, “Le dinamiche territoriali fra società urbane e rurali”, in G. Parini e T. Grande (a cura di), Sociologia. Problemi, teorie, intrecci storici, Carocci, Roma, 2014.
    2. Giorgio Osti, Sociologia del territorio, il Mulino, Bologna, 2010.
    3. Annick Magnier e Maurizio Morandi, Paesaggi in mutamento. L’approccio paesaggistico alla trasformazione della città europea, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2013.
    4. Carlo Colloca et al. (a cura di), La globalizzazione delle campagne. Migranti e società rurali nel Sud Italia, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2013.
    5. Giandomenico Amendola, Il brusio delle città. Le architetture raccontano, Liguori, Napoli, 2013.