Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MELANIA NUCIFORAExpected Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to frame the fundamental aspects of environmental issues in the history of Italy, describing the causes of environmental transformations, the impacts and major changes in the environment, the steps in the formation and diffusion of an "environmental consciousness", and the main policies put in place to deal with environmental problems.
Course Structure
The course will consist of lectures and seminar teaching, which will include reading and discussion of texts and sources.
Required Prerequisites
Scholastic-level knowledge of the history of Post-unification Italy, good mastery of the content acquired in the curricular courses on land-use, environmental and landscape planning, with particular reference to specific vocabulary.
Attendance of Lessons
Class attendance is highly recommended.
Detailed Course Content
Environmental issues in Post-unification Italy; environmental issues in Republican Italy; modernization and environmental crisis; European environmental policy; environmentalism in the Contemporary Age.
Textbook Information
G. Corona, Breve storia dell'ambiente in età contemporanea, Il Mulino, Bologna 2015.
M. Nucifora, Dagli anni del boom alla “scomparsa del territorio”. Ambiente e storia urbana nell’Italia del secondo Novecento, in "QSC. Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea", 68, 2020.
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