Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: TERESA GRAZIANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding: the student will have to acquire specific knowledge in the field of qualitative methods for territorial analysis, with particular reference to theories, tools and methods of investigation in the field of anthropology, sociology and human geography.

Applied knowledge: at the end of the course the student will be able to use the theoretical frameworks and conceptual and analytical tools of the main qualitative methods for territorial analysis preparatory to the planning of the territory and landscape, with particular reference to the urban scale. Furthermore, the student will be able to collect, process and interpret qualitative data aimed at evaluating perceptions, life stories and ways of living of human communities in relation to specific landscapes, as well as organizing and processing them in a systematic and articulated way.

Autonomy of judgment: the student will be able to critically evaluate opportunities for using specific qualitative investigation methods, adapting them to the territorial context of reference.

Communication skills: the student will be able to transfer knowledge related to qualitative investigation methods with full mastery of the technical-specialist language pertaining to anthropology, sociology and geography and of the analysis tools necessary for the qualitative evaluation of the characteristics of the territories.

Learning skills: at the end of the course the student will have acquired the knowledge necessary to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the selection and use of qualitative methods according to the object of territorial investigation, including them in their baggage of technical knowledge for territorial planning and design.

Course Structure

Lectures (also based on interactive digital tools)


Case study analysis

Flipped classroom



Required Prerequisites

Due to the topics of the course, it is recommended that students have already passed the exams of Analysis of territory and settlements; History of the territory and territorial planning; Urban Geography and territorial processes

Attendance of Lessons

Due to the participative and interactive approach of the course, particularly during workshops and fieldworks, attendance is strongly recommended.

Detailed Course Content

The course provides a summary framework of qualitative research for the analysis of the territory, starting from the founding methodological assumptions from a multidisciplinary perspective (with particular reference to anthropology, sociology and human geography) and deepening the theoretical frameworks and analytical tools to build a qualitative research design applied to the territory. The main methods used in the field of social sciences (participant observation and ethnographic research; discursive interview; focus group; autoethnography; shadowing) will also be explored, through theoretical insights and empirical analysis, as well as more innovative methods such as visual and hybrid methods, the latter based on the use of digital data.

Textbook Information

Textbook 1. Cardano M., Gariglio L., Metodi qualitativi. Pratiche di ricerca in presenza, a distanza e ibride, Carocci, Roma, 2023

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction: Quantitative and Qualitative methods for territorial analysis: differences and opportunitiesText 1. Cap. 1 + learning material provided by the teacher
2Qualitative analysis: questions, case studies, methodsText 1.Cap. 2
3Participant observation and ethnographic research in urban contextsText 1. Cap. 3 + learning material provided by the teacher
4Discoursive interview and focus group for territorial analysisText 1. Cap 4, 5 + learning material provided by the teacher
5Auto-ethonography and shadowingText 1. Cap 6, 7 + learning material provided by the teacher
6Visual and hybrid methodsText 1, Cap. 8, 9 + learning material provided by the teacher
7The analysis of qualitative dataText 1. Cap. 10 + learning material provided by the teacher

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Final evaluation will include the presentation of an individual project based on a qualitative analysis and the evaluation of theoretical knowledge through an oral exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

How do you design a qualitative research project? What does ethnography deal with?