Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ALESSANDRO D'EMILIOExpected Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
The main goal is to provide tools to design sustainable infrastructure assets, using the methodologies and the latest techniques in the field
Applying knowledge and understanding
Ability to design an infrastructure for soft-mobility.
Making judgements
Stimulating autonomous choices through the exposition of different solutions for each problem, in order to induce the student to elaborate original solutions as a synthesis of the proposed case studies.
Communication skills
Improving the ability to interact with professionals through the acquisition of adequate technical terminology.
Learning skills
Improving the ability to identify and deepen the main issue of each subject.
Course Structure
The course will take place through lectures and practice exercises aimed at drafting a short stretch of greenway.
Should the course be carried out by distance learning or in hybrid mode, the necessary changes could be introduced in order to comply with the program reported in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
Network infrastructures and centralized infrastructures. Transport linear infrastructures.
Definition of greenway: differences between Europe and America. The ecological importance of a greenway. Urban greenways. Technical design elements. Analysis of Land Resources. Study of the track. Plan for non-motorized mobility in Sicily. Geometrical characteristics of the track. Design of a greenway in relation to the users (walker and/or biker). The D.M. 557/99. Notes on the dimensioning of bridleways. The pavement of a greenway. The layered structure of a pavement. Methods of stabilization of the substrate. Examples of paving with different materials. Connections between the greenway and motorized traffic. Intersections between greenway and motorized traffic. Comfort in a greenway through bioclimatic design and the rest areas. The recovery of abandoned railways.
Textbook Information
1 - A.Toccolini, N. Fumagalli, G. Senes, “Progettare i percorsi verdi – Manuale per la realizzazione di greenways”, Maggioli editore, 2004.
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Introduction. Definition of infrastructure and typological classification. Network and point infrastructures. Linear transport infrastructures. | |
2 | What is a greenway: differences between Europe and America. The ecological value of greenways. | Testo 1: cap I-III |
3 | The urban greenways. | Testo 1: cap VI |
4 | Technical elements for design.Analysis of territorial resources. | Testo 1: cap VII.1 |
5 | Technical elements for design.Study of the track. | Testo 1: cap VII.3 |
6 | Piano della mobilità non motorizzata in Sicilia. | |
7 | Geometrical characteristics of the track. Dynamic shape. Dimensioning for a pedestrian greenway. | Testo 1: cap VII.4 |
8 | Geometrical characteristics of the track.Dimensioning for a bike greenway.. Ministerial Decree 557/99. | Testo 1: cap VII.4 - |
9 | Geometrical characteristics of the track.Dimensioning for a bike greenway.. Ministerial Decree 557/99.Elements of bridleway design | Testo 1: cap VII.4 e VII.11 - |
10 | The paving of a greenway. Standard layering. Stabilisation methods. | Testo 1: cap VII.5 |
11 | The paving of a greenway. Examples of paving with different materials. | Testo 1: cap VII.5 |
12 | Connections between greenway and motorised roads. | Testo 1: cap VII.8 |
13 | Connections between greenway and motorised roads. | Testo 1: cap VII.9 |
14 | Comfort in a greenway through bioclimatic design and parking areas. | Testo 1: cap VII.6 |
15 | The recovery of disused railways. | Testo 1: cap V |
16 | Testo 2: pag.18-30 e 53-59 | |
17 | Testo 2: pag. 60-114 | |
18 | Testo 2: pag. 60-114 |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Drafting design drawings of an infrastructure. The project must be endorsed in advance by the lecturer. Interview.
Evaluation of the student will be based on the following criteria: ability to learn and level of depth of the topics covered, property of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.
Votes will be attributed according to the following scheme:
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Significant shortcoming and inaccuracies
Analysis and synthesis skills: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize
Use of references: Completely inappropriate
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At threshold level. Obvious imperfections
Analysis and synthesis skills: Barely sufficient ability
Use of references: Barely appropriate
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge
Analysis and synthesis skills: Is able to analyze and synthesize correctly. Argues logically and coherently
Use of references: Uses standard references
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge
Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are expressed consistently
Use of references: Uses standard references
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good
Analytical and synthesis skills: Has considerable analytical and synthesis skills
Use of references: Has deepened the topics
Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge
Analytical and synthesis skills: Has considerable ability to analyze and synthesize.
Use of references: Important insights.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Designing the track of a greenway
Contents of Ministerial Decree 557/99
The connections between greenways and other transport infrastructures
The intersections between greenways and other linear transport infrastructures
Structure and materials for greenway pavements.
The recovery of disused railways.