Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Antonella PANEExpected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to provide the basics of diseases of biotic and abiotic origin of major Mediterranean crops, plant used for ornamental, landscaping, and green areas, with particular reference to fungi, oomycetes, bacteria and abiotic stresses. The student will know the morphology, biology, pathogenesis, etiology, and epidemiology of the major disease agents of crop, forest, and ornamental plants. At the end of the course, the student will have acquired diagnostic skills, will be able to evaluate the phytosanitary importance of the main plant disease agents and will have the basic knowledge to define eco-sustainable strategies for the containment of infections in natural and anthropogenic environments.
Applied knowledge and understanding skills
- Ability to propose phytopathological diagnosis
- Ability to plan control measures in the field of agricultural , forestry and ornamentals .
- Ability to use the cognitive tools and logical elements offered by the course that allow him/her to continuously update knowledge related to Plant and Forest Pathology.
Autonomy of judgment
The student must be able to independently evaluate diagnostic methods for the identification of causative agents of diseases; to propose interventions to prevent, control and establish an environmentally friendly production system. The necessary tools will be provided to enable students to independently analyze, and perform the analysis in the field and laboratory.
Communication skills.
-Acquiring appropriate technical/scientific terminology
- Ability to express clearly and concisely course content , using specific terminology
Course Structure
The didactic objectives will be achieved through frontal theoretical lectures (3CFU) wich will be held using Powerpoint support. Specific sites will be consulted favoring interaction with students. Other activity (3CFU) include pratical laboratory activities focus on topics covered in theoretical lessons, technical field visits of multidisciplinary interest to promote students' learning and increase their practical knowledge on the main plant pathogens,seminars on module-related topics and individual classroom work.
In addition, it will be proposed that students prepare a paper on a monographic topic, chosen together with the professor, which is then to be presented at the end of the course after preparing a power point. This will enable students to acquire a range of knowledge related to the following aspects: a) carrying out a bibliographic research by consulting articles and websites on the chosen topic, taking care to select the most reliable sources; b) preparing a paper on the basis of a well-charted scheme; c) setting up a power point by choosing appropriate images and structuring the slides appropriately; d) exposing in public by answering the lecturer's questions.
Information for students with disabilities and / or DSA
To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professor Anna De Angelis.
Required Prerequisites
Basic knowledge about plant cell : structure and function (important)
Basic knowledge about general botany (important)
Basic knowledge about plant physiology (useful)
Attendance of Lessons
Attendance is not compulsory but in order to take the exam, it is strongly recommended to attend at least 70% of the scheduled teaching activities.
Methods of establishing attendance.- Each professor shall establish a method for ascertaining attendance in the course and, at the end of the course, shall notify the Student Secretary of the list of students who have not met the attendance requirement.
Detailed Course Content
The course aims to provide knowledge on diseases of biotic and abiotic origin of the main Mediterranean crops, ornamentals and plants used for landscaping and green areas.
General concepts of Plant pathology. Main agents of plants diseases and their interactions with plants for the environment. Types of disease; types and pictures of symptoms; phytopathological diagnostics.Development cycle of an infectious disease. Influence of environmental factors on disease development. Mechanisms of pathogen virulence and plant resistance. Epidemiology. Methods of diseases control control: agronomic, physical, mechanical, biological means and chemical means principles of integrated pest control. Phytosanitary legislation.
Major diseases of ornamental plants and Mediterranean scrub. Diseases caused by oomycetes: Root and collar rots of ornamental and forestry plants in natural and anthropised environments; Diseases caused by fungi: Diseases of the leaf apparatus of ornamental and forestry plants ; cancers ; Tracheomycosis; Wood decay: process of infection; types of decay; identification of the cariogenic agent; verification of tree stability: VTA method. Bacterial diseases: Root rot. Bacterial blights .Fire blight of rosaceae. Non-parasitic alterations: water stress; heat stress; pollutant damage.
The concept and types of diagnosis. Principles of plant disease control; Principles of plant health legislation. Forest ecosystem and urban forest concept; characteristics of urban environment; aspects and peculiarities and of nursery cultivation. Study of the main diseases of ornamental and forest plants.
Laboratory exercises (2 CFU): recognition of symptoms of major diseases of ornamental and forest plants. Recognition,of reproductive structures of the main plant pathogens; Isolation methods of some causative agents responsible for serious diseases of the forest and ornamental sectors and their morphological and molecular characterization.Field trips. Monographic seminars on topics, related to the program, held by experts in the field. Reference databases, reference texts and scientific periodical consultation, phytopathological websites.
Individual student work (1CFU): in-depth study of a case study
Textbook Information
1) Belli G. -.Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012), Editore Piccin, Padova
2) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione).
3) Alberto Panconesi, Salvatore Moricca, Alessandro Ragazzi. Parassiti delle piante arboree forestali ed ornamentali. Specie introdotte e di temuta introduzione. Patron editore, 2014
4) P. Capretti e A Ragazzi- Elementi di Patologia Forestale – Patron Editore Bologna
5) A.Garibaldi, M.L.Gullino, V.Lisa - Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole
6) F.Moriondo – Introduzione alla patologia forestale- seconda edizione. Utet, Torino
7) N. Anselmi, G. Govi , 1996, “Patologia del Legno”, Edagricole, Bologna
Teaching materials provided by the lecturer
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Disease concept and classification. | 1, 2 and 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
2 | Concept of forest ecosystem. Concept of urban forest; peculiarities of urban environment. Peculiarities and aspects of nursery cultivation. | 3 e 4 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
3 | Symptomatology: Interpretation of symptoms | 1,2 e 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
4 | Diagnosis: Concept of diagnosis and types of diagnosis. | 1,2 e 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
5 | Development stages of an infectious disease | 2 e 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
6 | Mechanisms of pathogen infection and plant resistance | 1, 2 e 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
7 | Epidemiology | 2 e 3 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
8 | Methods and means of control in different environments. Phytosanitary legislation. | 1, 2 e 3 |
9 | Features on the main agents of plant diseases and their interactions with plants in relation to the environment. | 1, 2 e 3 |
10 | Diseases caused by oomycetes: root and collar rots of ornamental and forestry plants in natural and anthropized environments | 1,2,3 e 4 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
11 | Cankers: definition, characteristics, symptoms, damage, and diagnosis | 1,2,3 e 4 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
12 | Diseases caused by fungi: Diseases of the leaf system of ornamental and forestry plants | 1,2,3 e 4 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
13 | Wood Decay: definition, process of infection; types of decay; identification of the decaying agent; damage and methods of control and defense. | 1, 2, 3, 6 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
14 | Bacterial diseases: characteristics , symptoms, damage and diagnosis | 1,2,3 , 4 and teaching handouts provided by the lecturer |
15 | Non-parasitic disorders: characteristics, symptoms, damage, and diagnosis | 1,3,5 |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
The learning assessment will be through a written, open-ended midterm test lasting 2 hours, The outcome of the test, evaluated in thirtieths, will be averaged with the outcome of the oral test to achieve the final grade.
The oral exam will consist of an in-depth study of a monographic topic inherent to the program carried out,chosen in agreement with the teacher,with presentation of a written paper and a Power point to be discussed orally in the exam. The assessment of the student's preparation, expressed in 30ths, will be made on the basis of the following criteria: quality and level of thoroughness of the 'topic covered; property of synthesis and exposition (the technical language property ), and the student's ability to argue. During the presentation, professor will ascertain the knowledge acquired during the course with some specific questions.
Only for students who did not take the intermedia test or failed it, an individual oral discussion will be required in addition to the PowerPoint, which tests the knowledge and skills overall acquired. The evaluation expressed in thirtieths will be based on the relevance of the answers given, the quality of the content, the student's ability to connect the different topics and provide concrete examples;In addition, the ability to use technical terminology will be taken into account.
The final judgment is as follows:
Subject knowledge and understanding: has limited and fragmentary knowledge of fundamental topics;
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs analysis in a superficial and largely incomplete manner
Language and expressive skills: makes use of inadequate terminology and uncertain and confusing language.
Subject knowledge and understanding: superficial and partial
Analysis and synthesis skills: makes incomplete and inadequate analysis and synthesis.
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language not always correctly.
Subject knowledge and understanding: knows with sufficient accuracy the basic elements of the topics covered
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs almost complete, but not in-depth analysis and synthesis
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language in a simple but appropriate manner.
Subject knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge
Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are consistently expressed
Linguistic and expressive skills: Uses specific language confidently and correctly.
Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, thorough and coordinated knowledge of the topics covered
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs complete and thorough analysis and synthesis
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently.
30-30 cum laude
Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, detailed, comprehensive and personalized knowledge of the topics covered
Ability to analyze and synthesize: knows how to organize independently and completely the knowledge acquired, and is capable of autonomous evaluations and connections
Linguistic and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently
Subject knowledge and understanding: has limited and fragmentary knowledge of fundamental topics;
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs analysis in a superficial and largely incomplete manner
Language and expressive skills: makes use of inadequate terminology and uncertain and confusing language.
Subject knowledge and understanding: superficial and partial
Analysis and synthesis skills: makes incomplete and inadequate analysis and synthesis.
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language not always correctly.
Subject knowledge and understanding: knows with sufficient accuracy the basic elements of the topics covered
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs almost complete, but not in-depth analysis and synthesis
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language in a simple but appropriate manner.
Subject knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge
Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are consistently expressed
Linguistic and expressive skills: Uses specific language confidently and correctly.
Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, thorough and coordinated knowledge of the topics covered
Analysis and synthesis skills: performs complete and thorough analysis and synthesis
Language and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently.
30-30 cum laude
Subject knowledge and understanding: has complete, detailed, comprehensive and personalized knowledge of the topics covered
Ability to analyze and synthesize: knows how to organize independently and completely the knowledge acquired, and is capable of autonomous evaluations and connections
Linguistic and expressive skills: uses specific language confidently, articulately and fluently
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
Definition of infectious and noninfectious disease; pathogens and parasites
Characteristics of biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Examples
Explain the criteria for classification of diseases.
List Koch's postulates and illustrate their application in Plant Pathology.
What are the factors of aggression (or mechanisms of attack) of disease agents and why are they produced? Give an example of a trophic disease and one of an auxonic disease
Outline the main characteristics of fungi and oomycetes
What is a symptom? Describe a few of your choice and associate them with a disease
Describe the symptoms of root rot caused by Armillaria.
Explain the pathogenetic mechanism of the bacterial root rot agent
Illustrate the strategy for controlling root rot