Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year - Curriculum Tutela e valorizzazione del territorioCredit Value: 6
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
recognition of the main types of rocks, the main forms of the landscape and the fundamental tectonic structures
Course Structure
through lectures, exercises in the classroom and excursion in the countryside
Detailed Course Content
Origin of the Earth
Shape, size, mass and movements of the Earth
The interior of the Earth
Internal and external geological processes
The modeling of the terrestrial relief
Causes and morphogenetic processes
The fluvial morphogenetic system
The morphogenetic marine coast system
The morphogenetic and glacial climate system, periglacial, temperate, arid and humid heat.
The karstic morphogenetic system
The rocks: Definitions, classification and study techniques.
Loose rocks and sediments: genetic processes, sedimentary phenomena.
Terrigenous, carbonate, siliceous and evaporitic rocks and sediments.
Metamorphic rocks: genetic processes and classification
Eruptive rocks. Genetic processes and classification.
Stratigraphy and chronology: principles and definitions.
Relative and absolute history.
Tectonics and structural geology: methods and analysis.
The volcanoes
Maps and geological sections.
The great structures of the earth's crust and their evolution.
Land resources.
Reading geological maps. The course will be supplemented by an excursion on the ground during which the phenomena and structures discussed during the course will be observed.
Textbook Information
Recommended texts:
Francesco Carraro - Geology of the Quaternary. The geological evolution of surface environments
Panizza - Elements of geomorphology. Pythagoras ed.
Pompeo L. Casati - Earth Sciences vol.1 Elements of general geology