Physico-chemical methodologies for the environment

Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff
  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry: Cristina Abbate
Credit Value: 14
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    Include the basic chemical notions necessary to increase the readers’ understanding of soil-plant systems. Given this knowledge, the technologist will have evaluation criteria for use in managing the soil and its vegetation and to decide on the future use of areas which are marginally or totally at risk.

Course Structure

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    The course will include frontal lessons and laboratories.

Detailed Course Content

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    Elementary substances (oxides, hydroxides, acids, salts); equilibria in solution; pH; buffer solutions; chemical bonds; oxidation numbers; oxide-reduction reactions; main functional groups of organic compounds; sugars, fats and proteins.

    Chemical physical and biological properties of soils; primary metabolism of plants; cycle of the main nutrients in the soil-plant system.

Textbook Information

  • Principles of chemistry and agrochemistry

    1. P. Sequi. Fondamenti di chimica del suolo. Pàtron Editore.

    2. P. Violante. Chimica del suolo e della nutrizione delle piante. Edagricole.

    3. M. Bosetto, I. Lozzi. Elementi di biochimica agraria. Aracne.

    4. Electronic supports supplied by the teacher; scientific articles from national and international journals and teacher lecture notes.