Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year - Curriculum Pianificazione del paesaggio
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 64 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Ornamental and Forest Plant Pathology

    General concepts of plant pathology; Main agents of plants diseases and their interactions with plants for the environment. Major diseases of ornamental plants and Mediterranean scrub. The concept of diagnosis and types of diagnosis.Traditional techniques, immunological techniques, molecular techniques. Principles of plant disease control; Principles of plant health legislation. Forest ecosystem concept; urban forest concept; urban environment peculiarities. Peculiarities and aspects of nursery cultivation. Laboratory: recognition of symptoms of major diseases of ornamental and forest plants observation under a stereomicroscope of phytopathological samples;observation of reproductive structures of plant pathogenic fungi with MO; Isolation methods of some causative agents responsible for serious diseases of the forest and ornamental sectors and their characterization. Field trips:in-depth analysis of cases study. Monographic seminars on topics, related to the program, held by experts in the field. Reference databases, reference texts and journals consultation and phytopathological websites.

  • Applied Entomology and parasitology

    Morphology, anatomy and physiology of insects

    1. General characteristics of insects and their applied interest.
    2. Morphology: head, thorax, abdomen, and their appendages.
    3. Anatomy and physiology: exoskeleton system; nervous system; sensory system; digestive system; respiratory system; circulatory system; excretory system; secretory system; reproductive system; post-embryonic development; physiology of metamorphosis.

    Biological behaviour and relationships with the environment (insect ecology)

    1. Specific and group events: dimorphism and polymorphism; aggregation and society; biological cycles; biotic potential and environment; population epidemiology; biological balances; spread of the species.
    2. Harmfulness of insects: direct and indirect damages; transmission of pathogens; action thresholds.

    Control methods of insect pests

    1. Cultural practices; habitat management.
    2. physical and mechanical methods.
    3. biological control: entomophagous arthropods and entomopathogenic species; biological control methods; microbial and genetic control.
    4. chemical control: insecticides and their modes of action; commercial formulations and active ingredients; side effects of pesticide applications.
    5. Principles of integrated pest management.

    Systematics, biology and diagnosis; damage and economic importance; methods of control of the main species of insects pests

    Elements of plant parasitology; systematics, biology and diagnosis; damage and economic importance; control methods of the main species of:

    1. nematodes
    2. mites
    3. rodents

Textbook Information

  • Ornamental and Forest Plant Pathology

    1) Belli G. -.2006. Elementi di Patologia Vegetale, Editore Piccin, Padova

    2) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione).

    3) A.Garibaldi, M.L.Gullino, V.Lisa- Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole

    4) F.Moriondo – Introduzione alla patologia forestale- seconda edizione. Utet, Torino

    5) P. Capretti e A Rgazzi- Elementi di Patologia Forestale – Patron Editore Bologna

    6) N. Anselmi, G. Govi , 1996, Patologia del Legno, Edagricole, Bologna

    7) Atlante Fotografico di Patologia vegetale forestale, a cura del Prof. Paolo Capretti e del Dr. Gian Paolo Barzanti.

  • Applied Entomology and parasitology
    1. BACCETTI B., BARBAGALLO S., SÜSS L., TREMBLAY E., 2000. Manuale di Zoologia Agraria. Delfino Editore, Roma [ISBN 88-728722227].
    2. FERRARI M., MARCON E., MENTA A., MONTERMINI A. 2003. Malattie e parassiti delle piante da fiore, ornamentali e forestali, 2 volumi. Edagricole Ed. [ISBN 978-88-506-4550-3].
    3. PENNACCHIO F. (a cura di). AA.VV. 2014. Gli insetti e il loro controllo, Liguori Editore, Napoli [ISBN 8820753510]
    4. TREMBLAY E., 1985-2000. Entomologia applicata, voll. 1-7. Liguori Editore, Napoli;