Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year - Curriculum Tutela e valorizzazione del territorio- Hydrology and Water Resources Management: Simona Consoli
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering: Pietro Paolo Falciglia
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
- Hydrology and Water Resources Management
The course aims to analyze the sustainable management of water resources in agriculture through the study of hydrological processes. During the lessons issues related to: surface and underground hydrology, mass and energy exchanges affecting the continuous soil-plant-atmosphere system, water management techniques, including deficit irrigation strategies, will be treated. During the lessons, the possibility of reusing unconventional resources (including urban wastewater) in agriculture will be examined; monitoring techniques of agro-ecosystems will be examined through satellite remote sensing; minimally invasive techniques for monitoring the water status of the soil will be also treated.
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Basic knowledge on pollution of solid and liquid matrices and engineering solutions.
Course Structure
- Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Teaching includes lectures and exercises. The latter are related to the preparation of a hydrological study. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program reported in the syllabus.
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
If teaching will be be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, if the conditions require it.
Detailed Course Content
- Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Hydrology:.Elements for the characterization of the hydrological basin in different climatic contexts; drought and flood hydrological analysis; study of the surface runoff using the SCS method; Hydrological soil characterization; Analysis of water and energy exchange processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system; Water Resources Management: Study of the evapotranspiration processes related to soil hydrology. Remote sensing techniques applied to map crop evapotranspiration and vegetation indices; Use of the geophysical tomografy for the analysis of soil water dynamics. Planning of natural water resources, which integrates the use of unconventional water (treated urban wastewater, salt water, etc…) within water scarce contexts; wastewater reuse in agriculture; analysis of deficit irrigation criteria.
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Environmental issue and law. Natural and antropogenic pollutants. Environmental pollutions. Foundamentals of toxicology, ecology and environmental impact assesments and risk analysis. Contaminant dynamics and remediation of contaminated sites. Remediation treatments of contaminated groundwater. Natural water and wastewater characteristics. Waste management, recycling, composting. Water saving. BOD, natural attenuation. Classification of water and wastewater treatment. Sludge treatment. Coagulation, settling, biological treatment, disinfection. Radon indoor and electromagnetic pollution.
Textbook Information
- Hydrology and Water Resources Management
1. McGraw-Hill, 2013
Idraulica e Idrologia per le scienze agrarie, ambientali e forestali
Vito ferro
2. Hoepli, 2010
Conducibilità idraulica del suolo
Bagarello e Iovino
3. Edagricole Università & Formazione, 2015
L’acqua in agricoltura
Marcello Mastrorilli
4. Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente
Dispense distribuite durante il corso
Consoli Simona
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
1. Vagliasindi F.G.A., Falciglia P.P., Longo G., Roccaro P., Santamaria A., Zito D.. Progettazione di impianti di trattamento per il controllo del rischio ambientale. Edizioni CSISA anno 2012. ISBN: 88-7850-012-7.
2. Luca Bonomo. Bonifica di siti contaminati. Caratterizzazione e tecnologie di risanamento. McGraw-Hill.
3. Luca Bonomo. Trattamenti delle acque reflue. McGraw-Hill.
4. Metcalf & Eddy. Ingegneria delle acque reflue, trattamento e riuso. McGraw-Hill.