Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Salvatore Cosentino
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aim of the discipline is to study the main widespread herbaceous species or of potential interest in the Mediterranean environment for the purpose of adequate knowledge and cultivation.

Course Structure

The teaching will be done through lectures, preparation of essays and presentation of the same with multimedia systems. As exercise it is expected the identification of seeds and plant parts of the studied crops.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

Detailed Course Content

Economic importance of herbaceous crops in the world in Europe, Italy; Classification criteria for herbaceous crops; Method of classification and treatment of herbaceous crops. Grain crops: common and hard wheat; barley, oats, rye; maize and sorghum; rice. Pulses: beans, chickpeas, lentils, beans, lupins, peppers, peas, soybean. Oil crops: rapeseed, sunflower, Brassica carinata and other brassicacee crops.Open field vegetable crops: artichoke, potato, tomato. Fiber crops: flax, hemp, cotton. Energy crops: annuals and perennials for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, heat and electricity. Fodder crops (herbs): herbs, meadows, pastures

Textbook Information

1) Baldoni R., Giardini L.- 2000-Coltivazioni erbacee Patron Editore Bologna

2) Lecture notes, bibliographic material and online teaching material provided by the teacher