Organic Agriculture

Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year - Curriculum PRODUZIONI VEGETALI SOSTENIBILI
Teaching Staff: Paolo Guarnaccia
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course, after having examined the issues related to the sustainable use of natural resources and the maintenance of environmental equilibrium, aims to provide a basic training on the principles and agronomic techniques used in organic farming on the most important crops cultivated in the Mediterranean environment. Particular attention will be paid to the maintenance of soil fertility, protection and enhancement of agricultural biodiversity and the reduction of chemical and energy inputs. The training program will provide students the skills necessary for the management of organic farms according to the relevant regulatory framework and to the control and certification system.

Course Structure

Lectures, field exercises, farms visits, group projects.

The course includes a total number of hours equal to 56 divided as follows: 28 hours of lectures (or at a distance) and 28 hours of exercises.

Should the teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may be done remotely, if necessary.

Detailed Course Content

Concept of environmental, economical and social sustainability; climate change, pollution and access to natural resources; consumption of water and soil; protection of the landscape; erosion and risks of soil desertification; energy balances, analysis of the life cycle carbon footprint and CO2 labeling; genetic erosion, GMOs, food security and sovereignty; definition, standards and organic agriculture values; history of Organic Agriculture and various forms of sustainable agriculture; soil fertility, organic matter and humic balance; maintenance of biodiversity and the role of the seed savers; quality of organic products; organic farming in the world, Europe, Italy and Sicily; regulatory framework on organic farming in Europe; converting a farm to organic agriculture methods; system of control and certification and labeling of products; Organic Farming agronomical techniques of the main Mediterranean crops; notes on organic livestock production and animal welfare; notes on the processing of organic products; traceability and products linked to the territory; multifunctionality of the organic farm and its services to the territory; short chain and alternative distribution models; fair remuneration for farmers; new frontiers of certification; research needs on Organic Agriculture.

Textbook Information

1. Giardini L., 2002. Agronomia generale, ambientale e aziendale. Pàtron Ed.

2. Altieri M.A., Nicholls C.I. e Ponti L., Agroecologia. Edagricole

3. Pisante M., 2013. Agricoltura sostenibile. Edagricole

4. Mancini M., 2019. Agricoltura organica e rigenerativa. Terra Nuova Edizioni

5. Mollison B. e Slay R.M., 2007. Introduzione alla Permacultura. Terra Nuova Edizioni

6. Caccioni A. e Colombo L., Il Manuale del Biologico. Il Sole 24 Ore Edagricole

7. Del Fabro A., Coltivazione biologica, guida completa ai metodi naturali e alle tecniche ecocompatibili. De Vecchi Ed.

8. Wendell Berry, 2009. Bringing It to the Table, On Farming and Food

9. Masanobu Fukuoka, 1975. The One-straw Revolution

10. Teaching materials provided by the teacher (ppt presentations, handouts, scientific papers and references legislation) available at