Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° Year - Curriculum TECNOLOGIE PER L'AGRICOLTURA DI PRECISIONE
Teaching Staff: Francesca Valenti
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims at providing disciplinary and professional skills on techniques and technologies for precision agriculture. In particular, the course aims at enabling students to make use of information technology and data coming from different sources, such as satellite positioning (GNSS) data, remote sensing and proximal data gathering, for developing the skills needed to directly act for optimising farm practices, increasing efficiency of input use, and reducing environmental impacts. Furthermore, the students will be able to navigate, via the internet, and perform with extreme simplicity, the “visura ipo-catastale”, integrating the map data, the Land and Building Cadaster, by integrating Web-GIS technology and cadastral mapping (PREGEO and DOCFA software).

Course Structure

Interactive lessons.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

"As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline.
It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Grazia and Anna De Angelis."

Detailed Course Content

The course is grouped into macro-modules as indicated below.

Geodesy and Cartography: definition of geodesy and cartography, geoid models, Earth’s Shape and size, Reference systems, Projections, geographic coordinates, Map projections, Concept of Cartographic Projection, Classification of Cartographic Projections, Representation of Land on Map, Concept of Map, Purpose and Significance of Maps, Classification of Maps, UTM Projection, UTM Grid.

Cartographic process and Topography: Basic Principles of Topography; Topographic instruments, Global position system (GPS), Aerial Photogrammetric Imagery and Satellite Systems and Images, Satellite Systems and Images, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Global Positioning System, GLONASS, The Role of GPS Navigation and Measurements, LIDAR—A Method of Remote Surveillance and Examination of Earth’s Surface by Scanning, Use of LIDAR, Computer Programs or Digital Atlases Using Satellite Imagery, Conventional construction of a topographic map.

IT systems and GIS: definition of Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Uses of GIS, GIS applications; data representation models (vector modeling and raster modeling); input and management of attributes; territorial data sources and input; georeferencing; digital terrain models (DTM); Web / GIS applications for precision agriculture.

QGIS software: definition of opensource systems, software installation, software requirements. The interface: Menu Bar, Panels and Toolbars, Map View, Status Bar. Managing Data Source: Opening Data, Creating Layers and Exploring Data Formats and Fields. Working with Vector Data: The Vector Properties Dialog, Working with the Attribute Table, Working with Raster Data, Raster Analysis. Layout. Query. Print composition. Coordinate Reference System Selector, Custom Coordinate Reference System, Default datum transformations. WMS and WFS geoservices. Plugins.

The cadastre: introduction to the cadastre. The cartographic archive, The Land Cadastre archive, The Urban Building Cadastre archive, The urban real estate stock, The real estate urban units plans archive, The archive of buildings, The evolution of the technological infrastructure, The PREGEO (PREGEO software - latest versions available) procedure for Land Cadastre, The DOCFA (DOCFA software - latest versions available) procedure for Urban Building Cadastre, The main cadastre and cartographic project activities, the valuation system of the urban building cadastre, the valuation system of the land cadastre,


Cadastral topography exercise: topographic applications.

GIS exercise: data analysis for carrying out thematic maps.

DOCFA procedure exercises: DOCFA procedure.

PREGEO procedure exercises: PREGEO procedure.

Textbook Information

1. Faustino Cetraro. Gis e WebGis a confronto – Cartografia applicata ai sistemi informativi territoriali, EPC Editore, 2011.ISBN: 9788863103458

2. Roberto D'Apostoli. Prontuario di topografia, Maggioli Editore, 2009. ISBN: 9788838748455.

3. Roberto D'Apostoli. Manuale di topografia, Maggioli Editore, 2012. ISBN: 9788838774515.

4. Mario Ruggeri. Elementi ed analisi di topografia – Elements and Analysis of Topography – Volume 1- Fondamenti teorici, Youcanprint. 2015. ISBN: 9788891181961.

5. A.M. Di Trapani, S. Mandanaci, E. Schimenti. Evoluzione e prospettive del catasto terreni in Italia, Edizioni fotograf, 2007. ISBN: 9788895272030.

6. C, La Vecchia, Polizzi B. Il catasto terreni: manuale tecnico con numerosi esempi pratici, Flaccovio Editore, 2010. ISBN: 9788857900117.

7. Polizzi B., 2015. "Il Catasto dei Fabbricati". Dario Flaccovio.

8. Tani P.D. Trattato di pratica catastale: Catasto terreni e cartografia – Maggioli Editore, 2009. ISBN: 8838731616.

9. Crescentini G. Trattato di pratica catastale: Catasto dei fabbricati – Maggioli Editore, 2006. ISSBN: 8838724377.

10. Agenzia del Territorio, sito ufficiale –