Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° YearDetailed Course Content
Agriculture and man: historical stages. Agriculture-environment relationships. Objectives and content of Agronomy. Plant production, the quality of food products and the factors affecting it. Concept of necosystem and agroecosystem. The climate and its classification: the major elements (solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, evapotranspiration) and relations with crop production. Growth, development and productivity. The agricultural soil and its characteristics: A) Intrinsic: origin, texture, stratification, location and exposure, color; B) Extrinsic: structure, biological characteristics, chemical characteristics, plasticity, toughness, adhesion. Soil organic matter. Soil fertility concept. Functions of habitability of agricultural soil: mass, heat, softness, hygienic conditions. Tillage. Water-soil relationships, water potential, hydrological constants and measure of soil moisture. Irrigation (aims, methods and irrigation variables) and quality of irrigation water. Hints of dry farming. Water regulation and hydraulic-agricultural. Crop rotation and its agronomic and environmental significance. Hints on cropping systems. Notes on the weeds control. Nutritional functions of agrarian soil: nutrients, fertilizers and fertilization technique, fertilization and product quality. Fertilization plan. Environmental impact of fertilization. Notes on the propagation of cultivated plants.
Textbook Information
Giardini Luigi, 2012. L’agronomia per conservare il futuro. Pàtron.