Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year - Curriculum ZOOTECNICO ECONOMICO
Teaching Staff: Claudio Bellia
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Knowledge: offer students the essential tools for the elaboration of a plan for quality food product combination, typical, traditional and ruralein territory which falls

Skills acquired at the end of the course: precise identification of the typical products, traditional or local and preparing the path of development that suits the different facets of rural realities, from the verification of the product's link with the territory, of the differences between source and origin, to the same definition valorization, distinguishing it from the protection of the local product.

Detailed Course Content

Definition of quality, value and "values" in the European agri-food products; classification of the size of the typical as a differentiator of food products; planning and implementation of the strategic plan of exploitation; mobilization of local resources and local development; qualification and marketing of local products; financing of the strategic plan of valorization; means of detection, analysis and representation; field visits and case study analysis

Textbook Information

1) Material provided by the teacher

2) AA.VV.: Guida per la valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici, Concetti, metodi e strumenti, 2006, provided by the teacher.

3) Antonelli G. (a cura di), Marketing agroalimentare. Specificità e temi di analisi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, (The book is available at the library).