Academic Year 2017/2018 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Angela Roberta Lo Piero
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Providing foundations in the three main branches of genetics, genetics of character transmissions, molecular and population genetics, giving emphasis to experimental logic and problem resolution. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the genetic mechanisms underlying the evolution of plants and apply experimental designs in order to identify and select genotypes for improved varieties.

Detailed Course Content

Heredity and variability - Mendelian heredity - Association and mapping of genes - Structure and function of genetic material - Mutations - Population genetics - Qualitative and quantitative characters – Evolution and speciation - Genetic improvement of plants

Textbook Information

1. Genetica e genomica, Barcaccia G. e Falcinelli M., Liguori editore. Volume I ,II.

2. Genetica agraria, Russel P.J., Wolfe S.L., Hertz P.E., Starr C., McMillan B. Edises

3. Genetica Agraria, Lorenzetti, Ceccarelli, Rosellini, Veronesi, Pàtron editore, quarta edizione

4. Genetica un approccio integrato, Sanders MF, Bowman JL