Giuseppa Carrà

Full Professor of Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal [AGRI-01/A]


Current position
Full Professor of European Agricultural Policy.
Senior professor of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Previous position
Academic Coordinator, Lifelong learning programme - Jean Monnet Module  (2011 -2015).
Coordinator, Faculty  Board of PhD in “Food Economics”, University of Catania (2010 -2015).
Member, Faculty Board of PhD in “Food Economics”, University of Catania (2006 - 2009).
Member, Editorial Board of Rivista di Economia Agraria (2005-2007).
Member, Editorial Board of Rivista ARPAVIEW, Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente – Sicilia (2004-2008)

Member, Faculty Board of the PhD in “Agricultural Economics and  Politics”, University of Catania (1998-2005).

Member, Scientific Board of Rivista di Politica Agricola Internazionale.

Institutional activity and Professional Membership

Current position
Member, Board of Scuola Superiore di Catania, Mediterranean University Center, University of Catania.

Previous positions

Member, Board of  Mutual Aid Fund, University of Catania (2015-19)

President, Italian Association of Agricultural Economics (2010 -2013).
Member, Board of the Italian Association of the Agricultural Science Societies (2010 - 2013).
Member, Board of the Italian Association of Agricultural Economics (2007 – 2008).
Member, Scientific Committee of the Italian Confederation of Farmers (from 2010 to present).
Member, Board of the Dairy Supply Chain Regional Research Consortium - Sicily (2005-2009). Member, Regional Evaluation Team for Youth Entrepreneurship of Ministry of Industry, Sicilian Region (2005-2007).
Member, Equal Opportunities Committee of the University of Catania (2002-2008).
Member, Scientific Committee of the Nebrodi Park, Sicily (2001-2006).
Consultant to Minister of Environment  (2007).
Head, Institute of Territorial Planning, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Reggio Calabria (1995-1997).

Catania, 12/052020

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016
  • Agricultural economics and politics
  • Fishery policy
  • Institutions and governance of rural  policies
  • Agricultural and rural labour market
  • Economics of quality in food chains