Academic Year 2015/2016 - 2° Year - Curriculum ALIMENTI E SALUTE and Curriculum VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 80 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • General Microbiology

    Prokaryotes and eukaryotes: cell structures and functions. Elements of virology. Cell division and microbial growth. Environmental factors affecting the microbial growth. Microbiological techniques: optic and electronic microscopy. Microbial control by physical and chemical agents. Nutrition, laboratory cultures and microbial metabolism. Microbial taxonomy. Viruses. Microrganisms of agronomic, food and environmental interest.

  • Food Microbiology

    Acquire the knowledge necessary for understanding factors that affect the development of microrganismi in food in order to conduct the implementation of HACCP system, to apply GMPs and to mange microbiological risks.

Textbook Information

  • General Microbiology

    1. Biavati B., Sorlini C. Microbiologia generale e agraria. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.Seconda edizione

  • Food Microbiology

    Lo studente può consultare qualsiasi testo del settore, per lo studio della disciplina si consigliano i seguenti testi:

    Testo 1: “Microbiologia degli Alimenti”. JM Jay, MJ Loessner, DA, Golden. Sprinter. ISBN 978-88-470-0785-7

    Testo 2: “Microbiologia degli Alimenti” A Galli Volonterio, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana ISBN 88-408-1321-7

    Testo 3: “La Microbiologia Applicata alle Industrie Alimentari” L Cocolin, G Comi. Aracne Editrice. ISBN 978-88-548-1109-6