Academic Year 2015/2016 - 3° Year - Curriculum VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI
Teaching Staff: Gaetana Mazzeo
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course besides recalling the basic entomology notions and those relating to the systematic and biology of Hymenoptera Apoidea, aims to provide students with adequate knowledge of morphology, biology, ethology, pathology of honeybee and its role as bioindicator. The course also aims to provide knowledge on: beekeeping techniques and rules that regulate beekeeping; the role of beekeeping in the direct and indirect production of income through the pollination of crops; the role of bees in the environmental protection and as indicator of the health status of the territory. The course will also provide relevant information on wild bees and their role in crop pollination.

Detailed Course Content

Elements of systematic and biology of Hymenoptera Apoidea. Morphology, anatomy, biology, ethology of Apis mellifera. Social organization of honeybee. Outline of pests and diseases of Apis mellifera. Honey bee as bioindicator of the state of the environment. Hives, beekeeping tools and practices of technical beekeeping. Production, characteristics and use of the products of the hive. Notice on regulatory aspects concerning the apiculture. The pollination service. Nectar and pollen plants for beekeeping. Qualitative and quantitative effects of insect pollination on the main crops and fruit trees. Wild bees and their role in crop pollination.

Textbook Information

Testo 1: Contessi A., Le api. Biologia, allevamento, prodotti. Edagricole, Bologna, 2010.

Testo 2: Frilli F., Barbattini R., Milani N., L’ape: forme e funzioni. Edagricole, Bologna, 2001.

Testo 3: Grout R.A., L’ape e l’arnia. Edagricole, Bologna, 1981.