Crop production

Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Agronomy and field crops

    The aim of this course is to provide the basic knowledge and skills about the environmental, biological and agronomic factors that may affect the yield and quality of herbaceous crops.

  • Fruit tree crops

    The course aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to assess the quality of fruit products. The topics treated are related to the fruit metabolism during the growth, maturation and storage processes.

Course Structure

  • Agronomy and field crops

    Lessons (35 hours) and hands-on activities (14 hours) by case studies and/or seminars, also on line.

    If teaching is performed in mixed mode or remotely, specific changes to the program outlined in the Syllabus may need to be made​.

  • Fruit tree crops

    Lectures and tutorials, also on line.

    If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

    Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

Detailed Course Content

  • Agronomy and field crops
    • Objectives and contents of the module. Ecosystem and agroecosystem concepts.
    • The agricultural plant production and the influence of the biotic and abiotic factors. The characteristics of production: product categories, yield, harvest index, harvest time, destination and product quality.
    • Classification of the qualitative characteristics for foodstuffs. Role of natural factors (soil, atmosphere, plant) and agronomic management (cultivar choice, fertilization, irrigation, crop protection) on the quality of plant production.
    • Main aspects (economic-agricultural significance, botanical characteristics, biology, environmental requirements), cultivation technique, product utilization and quality characteristics of the following herbaceous crops for the Mediterranean environment:
      • Cereals and pseudo-cereals (wheat, barley, buckwheat)
      • Leguminous crops (lentil, chickpea, bean, pea)
      • Sunflower
      • Open field crops (potato, globe artichoke)
      • Industrial crops (tomato)
  • Fruit tree crops

    Botanical and commercial classification of fruits. Fruiting process and ripening physiology. Fruiting biology, ripening calendar, nutraceutical characteristics, main cultivars attitude for direct consumption and processing in citrus, olive, grape, pome and stone fruits, nuts, strawberry. Postharvest ripening and maturity indices of fruits. Management of post-harvest fruit products.

Textbook Information

  • Agronomy and field crops
    1. Giardini L. A come Agronomia. Pàtron Ed.
    2. Baldoni R., Giardini L. (coord.). Coltivazioni erbacee – Cereali e proteaginose. Pàtron Ed.
    3. Baldoni R., Giardini L. (coord.). Coltivazioni erbacee – Piante oleifere, da zucchero, da fibra, orticole ed aromatiche. Pàtron Ed.

    Didactic materials provided by the professor (lecture notes, PowerPoint presentations) in the website

  • Fruit tree crops
    1. Principi di arboricoltura. A cura di Peano, C. e Sottile F. Edises, 2019
    2. Arboricoltura generale e speciale. Rolando Valli. Calderini Edagricole, 2001
    3. Arboricoltura generale. A cura di S. Sansavini. Patron editore, 2012
    4. Manuale di OrtoFrutticoltura. A cura di Sansavini S., Ranalli P. Edagricole, 2012
    5. Le piante dell’uomo. P. Viggiani, G. Pezzi. Edagricole, 2002
    6. Volumi "Coltura & Cultura". Bayer Cropscience (pero, vite, pesco, melo, ulivo, fragola, agrumi)

    Didactic materials provided by the professor (lecture notes) in the website