Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year - Curriculum ALIMENTI E SALUTE and Curriculum VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI
Teaching Staff: Alessandro D'urso
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The main formative objective of the General Chemistry course covers the training of students who possess the skills and basic knowledge of chemical, useful for the understanding and study of materials that require familiarity with the scientific method and analysis capabilities of chemical problems . At the end of the course, students will be able to learn the application of techniques and chemical methods used. The acquired skills will enable students to adapt to the evolution of the discipline and to continue his studies of the degree course.

Detailed Course Content

The composition of matter and chemical reactions; the atomic structure and chemical bonding; thermochemical and thermodynamic; states of matter; solutions; signs of chemical kinetics; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibria in aqueous solution; hints of electrochemistry; periodic table, and general properties of the elements.

Textbook Information

CHEMISTRY, Kotz,Treichel, Weaver, EdiSES