Cinzia Lucia Randazzo

Associate Professor of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Microbiology [AGRI-08/A]
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Scientific Activity
Dr Cinzia Lucia Randazzo’s scientific activity is carried out in the food microbiology field; in particular she focuses her study on the microbiology of fermented foods as certified by several publications on national and international magazines and by her attendance to several international and national congresses. Her research subjects concern the selection and the taxonomic study of microrganisms, above all lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, yeasts and pathogens involved in the production of cheese, sourdough, wine and in several natural fermented foods. Moreover, the negative aspects (such as spoilage, diseases) of microorganisms are also studied. All this knowledge of microorganisms, together with data about their presence in food products and in the environment, makes it possible to develop models for their behaviour, which can be used in quantitative risk assessments. Such researches are carried out in collaboration with other Italian and foreign University research institutes.
Main Research Interests
•    Microflora of food fermentation (e.g. cheese, table olive, sourdough , wine etc)   
-    Isolation of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and yeasts
-    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of micro-organisms
•    Strains identification at species and strain level
•    Microbial safety of foods   
-    Detection and identification of pathogens
-    Use of bacteriocins for bio-preservation  
•    Biocontrol
•    Development of starter cultures for food fermentation
-    Biotechnology characterization of strains
-    Food processing in laboratory scale (using pilot plant)   
•    Application of culture–independent techniques to study microrganims in foods  
-    PCR-DGGE analysis for qualitative studies
-    Real-time PCR for quantitative studies   
•    Probiotics
-    In vitro assays for probiotic features of lactobacilli
-    Application of static and dynamic digestion model systems  
-    Human gut microbiota analysis though molecular culture-independent approach