Course Overview
Pro-tempore contact person for the course
Giuseppe Antonio Di Vita
- Course objectives
- Admission requirements
- Admission procedures
- Professional activities
- Teachings
- Final exam
Ultimately, the objective of the master's degree program is to train graduates who are able to:
- Analyze and manage environmental and socioeconomic factors that influence production processes;
- Understand and control the biological components of the agroecosystem, both beneficial and harmful;
- Design and rationally apply systems, methods, and means of production, including unconventional ones;
- Develop projects on the agricultural potential of the territory;
- Plan cropping systems and evaluate achieved results;
- Design installations and structures necessary for plant cultivation in open air and confined environments, and for animal farming in zootechnical production;
- Plan and manage phytosanitary defense strategies for crops and related products;
- Develop projects for the protection of agricultural and forest agroecosystems, biodiversity conservation, environmental protection, and promotion of sustainable development and multifunctionality of agriculture.
The graduate in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies must also possess specific and qualified knowledge in:
- Biology, physiology, and genetics of plants and their parasites, essential for achieving quantitative and qualitative improvement of production, for rational planning of defense, and for safeguarding soil resources;
- Physiology and nutrition of animals, essential for achieving quantitative and qualitative improvements in meat and/or dairy production;
- Quality control of the supply chain for various plant and animal products, also with a view to process sustainability and biodiversity conservation;
- Programming and management of research and innovative processes, both independently and in working groups, assuming project and structural responsibilities.
Students with a bachelor's degree or university diploma lasting three years in the following classes are eligible for the Master's degree program in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69):
- L-25 "Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies" or former class 20 "Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences";
- L-2 "Biotechnology";
- L-13 "Biological Sciences";
- L-21 "Territorial, Urban, Landscape and Environmental Planning Sciences"
- L-26 "Food Sciences and Technologies";
- L-27 "Chemical Sciences and Technologies";
- L-29 "Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies";
- L-32 "Environmental and Nature Sciences and Technologies";
- L-38 "Zootechnical Sciences and Animal Production Technologies";
and with at least 50 CFU credits in one or more of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD): AGR, BIO, CHIM, FIS, ICAR, INF, ING-INF, MAT, SECS-P, and VET.
Students who will obtain a bachelor's degree or another equivalent degree obtained abroad and recognized as suitable, or the 50 CFU credits in the SSDs mentioned above within the deadlines set annually in the Call prepared by the University for access to Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, may also apply to the Master's degree program.
More information at
The Master's Degree Program in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69) has unrestricted access ( The adequacy of the candidate's initial preparation will be assessed through an oral interview conducted by a Commission appointed by the Di3A. The interview will be based on a Syllabus, as well as on motivations, ability to synthesize, mastery of the topics covered, and communication skills.
The graduate in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies will be able to carry out professional activities in the agricultural sector, in education, and in research, in both public and private entities. They may be admitted to the state examination for registration in Section A of the Professional Register of Agronomists and Foresters.
The Course prepares for the profession of:
- Entrepreneur, administrator, manager of large companies operating in agriculture, livestock farming, and forestry;
- Entrepreneurs and managers of small agricultural enterprises;
- Agronomists and foresters;
- Specialists in management in the Public Administration;
- Specialists in the marketing of goods and services;
- Researcher and graduate technician in the field of Agricultural Sciences.
Below is the breakdown of training activities over the two years:
- Sustainable management of cropping systems
- Management of soil organic matter
- Fruitculture
- Vegetable and flower crop
- Agricultural mechanisation and labour organisation
- Rural estate
- European Agricultural and Fisheries Policy
- Plant disease management
- Sustainable pest control
- Water resource management in agriculture
Curriculum “Plant productions”
- Herbaceous Crop Systems >
- Weed management techniques and fertilisation
- Biomass crops for energy
- Mediterranean fruit tree crops
- Protected cultivation
Curriculum “Plant protection technologies”
- Arthropod Pest Management in Mediterranean Crops >
- Biological control
- Integrated pest management
- Biological control of plant diseases
- Diagnosis in plant pathology
Curriculum “Economy and planning”
- Strategic Management of Agricultural Firms
- Markets And Marketing >
- Strategic management of the farm
- Agri-Food markets and marketing
- Rural buildings design
- Technologies for innovation and safety in agriculture
Curriculum “Zootechnical”
- Applied Animal Production >
- Sustainable management of animal production system
- Evaluation tools for quality management in livestock
- Animal breeding
- Animal nutrition and feeding
For the admission procedures to the final exam and for the evaluation criteria, please refer to the Regulations of the Study Program for the academic year of enrolment (