Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Lucia Zappalà
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 35 hours
Exercise: 14 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with theoretical and practical insights on control methods
for crop pests in order to develop technical skills for the definition of appropriate
plant protection programs against insect and other organism pests

Course Structure

The course will comprise classes, laboratory training and field visits

Detailed Course Content

Evolution of the control methods of insect and other arthropod pests. Physical control.
Chemical and biochemical properties of pesticides. Legislation. Cultural control.
Biotechnical control: semiochemicals and signal manipulation. Genetic manipulations of plants and pest
natural enemies. Integrated pest management: monitoring; economic thresholds; principles of
biological control.

Textbook Information

1. BACCETTI B., BARBAGALLO S., SÜSS L., TREMBLAY E., 2000. Manuale di Zoologia Agraria. Delfino
Editore, Roma [ISBN 88-728722227];
2. VIGGIANI G., 1997. Lotta biologica e integrata nella difesa fitosanitaria, Volume II: Lotta integrata ai
fitofagi. Liguori, Napoli (ed.) [ISBN 88-207-2239-9].
3. PENNACCHIO F. 2014 Gli insetti e il loro controllo. Liguori Editore [ISBN: 978-88-207-5351-1].