Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° YearCredit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
To acquire an in-depth knowledge of the cultivation of the most representative species of Italian vegetable and flower crops. Teaching aims to provide the necessary preparation for organizing and managing the production process and for obtaining appropriate results in terms of yield, product quality and environmental implications.
Course Structure
The course takes place through classroom lectures, with the aid of a vidoeprojector, analysis of case studies, seminars and technical visits to significant farms in the area.
Detailed Course Content
Knowledge of crops with particular reference to biology, the requirements of the different cultivar groups.
Critical analysis of the most significant aspects of the cultivation process for the principal species in terms of botanical families, morpho-biometric characteristics, type of products, the most appropriate technical practices.
In detail the crops analyzed, like case study, are: Fam. Alliaceae: onion; Fam. Apiaceae: carrot; Fam. Asteraceae: lettuce; Fam. Brassicaceae: cauliflower; Fam. Cucurbitaceae: watermelon; Fam. Fabaceae: haricot; Cut flower: chrysanthemum and bulbous plants; Flowering pot plants: bedding plants; Foliage plants.
Textbook Information
Note and schemes of the lessons provided by the teacher.
Accati Garibaldi E., 1993. Trattato di floricoltura. Edagricole, Bologna.
Bianco V.V., Pimpini F., 1990. Orticoltura. Pàtron Editore, Bologna.
Dole J.M., Wilkins H.F., 1999. Floriculture. Principles and species. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Tesi R., 2010. Agricoltura mediterranea sostenibile. Patron Edit., Bologna.