Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Tecnologie fitosanitarieCredit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of plant Virology useful for recognition, prediction, prevention and complex management systems of virus and virus-like agents causing damages to the quality and quantity of crops..
Course Structure
Lectures and laboratory/field exercises
Detailed Course Content
The course aims to provide and deepen knowledge on the general aspects of applied plant virology and virus-like agents. The specific deepening of the characteristics of these pathogens and the implications on: diagnostics, transmission and epidemiology, pathogenetic process, management and containment of damage, evolution and climate change. In the special section, the most important virus and virus-like diseases will be discussed with particular reference to plant health emergencies and introduction pathogens; legislative aspects for prevention and management.
Textbook Information
The teacher provides the necessary materials for the study of the topics covered through the platform STUDIUM. The student can consult any text for the study of the discipline but the following texts are reccomended:
- Giunchedi L., D. Gallitelli, M. Conti, G.P. Martelli. Elementi di Virologia vegetale. Ed. Piccin Nuova Libreria S.p.A. Padova.
- Matta, Bonaurio, favaron, Scala, Scala. Fondamenti di patologia vegetale. Pàtron Editore Bologna
- G. N. Agrios. Plant Pathology. Elsevier Academic Press.
- AA.VV. I principali virus delle piante ortive. Edagricole.
- AA.VV. Le virosi delle piante ortive. Reda.
- AA.VV. Le virosi delle piante da frutto. Reda
- L. Bos. Plant viruses, unique and intriguing pathogens, Backhuys Publishers Leiden
- Decreti legislativi, Normativa Europea, Pubblicazioni aggiornate sull'argomento