Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Stefano Giovanni La Malfa
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course is aimed at supplying knowledges onto main fruit tree species with a special emphasis on those cultivated in mediterranean area.

In detail the course deals with crop situation, varietal and rootstock choice, agronomic management of plantations, and coltural techniques aimed at sustainable and high quality productions.

Detailed Course Content


Introduction: importance of fruitculture

Summary of general fruitculture: cultivar, clone, clonal selection. Hybridization, mutagenesis. Fruti quality.

Nursery and certification. Tree growth cycle and fruit set. Fruit classification.


Description of the following species:

- pome fruits (apple and pear)

- stone fruits (apricot, cherry, peach, plum)

- nuts (almond, hazelnut, chestnut, pistachio, nut)

- actinidia

- minor fruit trees species (carob, pomegranate, prickly pear)

- subtropical fruit tree species (avocado, anona, mango)

These species will be presented according to the following scheme: systematics and origin; diffusion and economic importance; floral and fruitification biology; varieties and rootstocks; breeding; propagation; tree adaptation to the environment; training an pruning; soil management; irrigation and water relations; mineral nutrition and fertilization; ripening and harvest; product utilization.


Basic information on citriculture, olive culture and viticulture

Basic information on wood production and forestry

Basic information on ornamental trees

Textbook Information

1. Rolando Valli. Arboricoltura generale e speciale. Calderini Edagricole, 2003

2. Silviero Sansavini e Paolo Ranalli. Manuale di ortofrutticoltura. Edagricole, 2012