Giovanni Cascone

Full Professor of Rural buildings and agro-forest land planning [AGRI-04/C]
Membership Section: Buildings and land planning

Updated on 25/01/2023


He took in the academic year 1982-83 the degree with first class honours in Civil Engineering at the University of Catania.

Since 1983 he has cooperated in research with the Institute of Topography and Rural Buildings of the University of Catania. At the same University he was Associate Professor from the academic year 1992-93 and he is Full Professor from the academic year 2001-02.

Teaching activity

In the academic years 1987-88 and 1988-89, as professor by contract, he taught “Farm buildings and topography” in the degree course on “Agricultural sciences and technologies” at the University of Reggio Calabria.

From the academic year 1992-93 to the academic year 2000-01 he taught “Livestock housing” and “Greenhouse structures and climate control” in the degree course on “Agricultural sciences and technologies” at the University of Catania.

From the academic year 1994-95 to the academic year 2009-10 he taught “Tropical and sub-tropical agricultural buildings” in the degree course on “Tropical and sub-tropical agricultural sciences and technologies” at the branch office in Ragusa of the University of Catania.

From the academic year 2001-02 he teaches “Agricultural buildings” in the degree course on “Agricultural sciences and technologies” at the University of Catania.

Scientific affiliations

From 1986 he is a member of AIIA (Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering), former AIGR (Italian Association of Genie Rural), within the Second Technical Section “Rural Buildings, plant techniques and technologies”. From the same year he is a member of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering), within the Second Technical Section “Farm Buildings, equipment, structures and environment”. Afterwards he became member of EurAgEng (European Society of Agricultural Engineering) and International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS).

Institutional appointments

From the academic year 2004-05 to the academic year 2009-10 he was the head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Catania.

In the years 2005-2013 he was a component of the scientific committee of the “Consorzio per la Ricerca nella Filiera Lattiero-Casearia” (Co.R.Fi.La.C.) of Sicily Region.

In the academic three-year 2008-11 he was a component of the Governing Board of the University of Catania.

In the academic four-year 2010-14 he was the head of the Department of Agri-food and Environmental Systems Management of the University of Catania.

In the years 2007-2014 he was a member of the Board of the Second Technical Section of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) on "Farm buildings, equipment, structures and environment" and in the four-year period 2011-2014 he was the Secretary of the Board.

From the first of January 2015 he is an honorary member of the Board of the Second Technical Section of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering).

From the first of January 2015 to 31 December 2018 he was the coordinator of the international working group on “Animal Housing in hot climate” of the CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering).

Coordinating of research projects

During his career he has been the responsible of several research projects. In particular:

- he was the scientific leader of a research group on "Materials and techniques for optimization of greenhouse soil solarization", within a CNR (National Research Commitee) two-year project on "Systems and methods for soil solarization", nationally coordinated by Prof. C. R. Fichera of the University of Reggio Calabria;

- he was the scientific leader of a three-year research project on "Analysis of soil thermal fluxes in soil solarization", supported by the (ESF) European Social Fund, within a POM 1994-1999 Mis.2 project on "Alternative techniques to methyl bromide fumigation of agricultural soils";

- he was the scientific leader of a two-year research project on "Thermo-physical characterization of materials for greenhouse soilless cultivation", supported by the (ESF) European Social Fund, within a POP Sicily 94/99 Mis.10.4 project on "Soilless cultures for innovation in Sicily greenhouse horticulture";

- he was the scientific leader of a two-year research project on "Study of characteristics of nursery greenhouses", supported by the (ESF) European Social Fund, within a POP Sicily 94/99 Mis.10.4 project on "Improvement of Sicily vegetable and flower germplasm and qualification of materials for propagation";

- he had the responsibility of a local research unit on "Effectiveness of innovative plastic films for greenhouse soil solarization" within a two-year national research project PRIN 2002, supported by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR), on "Innovative plastic materials for crop protection and for soil solarization", nationally coordinated by Prof. C. Manera of the University of Potenza;

- he was the national scientific leader of a two-year national research project PRIN 2003 on "Building solutions, plant and facilities for the improvement of the animal welfare in intensive farm", supported by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR), within which he had also the responsibility of a local research unit on "Dairy houses and sheep shelters: building solutions to reduce heat stress";

- he was the scientific leader of a research unit on "Innovative techniques for soil disinfestation", within a three-year PON-Agroindustry project co-founded by UE;

- he was the scientific leader of a research unit on "Verify of mathematical modelling of mulching films by experimental trials", within a three-year PON-Environment project co-founded by UE;

- he was the leader of a research group of a two-year project supported by EU within the Programme Interreg III B Archimed 2000-2006 on "Tourism uses of the historic environment know-how transfer and quality management practices at community level".

- he was the scientific leader of the one-year project “La tenuta Fegotto di Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa), esempio di villaggio industriale e 'fossile guida' per la conoscenza della cultura tecnico-scientifica tra ‘800 e ‘900”, founded by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR);

- he was the scientific leader of the research unit on “Innovative techniques for behaviour analysis of dairy cows in barns equipped with automatic milking systems” among the two-year project PRIN 2008 , supported by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR), nationally coordinated by Prof. M. Barbari of the University of Florence;

- he was the scientific leader of the two-year research project on 'Metodologie innovative per la lotta alla tristeza degli agrumi', founded by Sicily Region.

Last edit: 02/07/2025

He is author of many papers on national and international journals and on proceedings of national and international conferences. The papers published over the last ten years on national and international journals are listed as follows.

  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Anguzza U., Cascone G. (2015). The automatic detection of dairy cow feeding and standing behaviours in free-stall barns by a computer vision-based system. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 133, p. 46-55, ISSN: 1537-5110
  • Arcidiacono C., Porto S.M.C., Cascone G. (2015). Seismic analysis of traditional stone rural buildings: case study of one-storey building. INFORMES DE LA CONSTRUCCION, vol. 67, p. 1-12, ISSN: 0020-0883
  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Anguzza U., Cascone G. (2014). Development of an information system for the traceability of citrus-plant nursery chain related to the Italian National Service for Voluntary Certification. E-JOURNAL - CIGR, vol. 15, p. 208-216, ISSN: 1682-1130
  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Giummarra A., Anguzza U., Cascone G. (2014). Localisation and identification performances of a real-time location system based on ultra wide band technology for monitoring and tracking dairy cow behaviour in a semi-open free-stall barn. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, vol. 108, p. 221-229, ISSN: 0168-1699
  • Porto S.M.C., Cascone G. (2013). A building characterization-based method for the advancement of knowledge on external architectural features of traditional rural buildings . INFORMES DE LA CONSTRUCCION, vol. 65, p. 481-496, ISSN: 0020-0883
  • Porto, S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Anguzza U., Cascone G. (2013). A computer vision-based system for the automatic detection of lying behaviour of dairy cows in free-stall barns. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 115, p. 184-194, ISSN: 1537-5110, doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2013.03.002
  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Anguzza U., Giummarra A., Cascone G. (2013). An automatic system for the detection of dairy cows lying behaviour in free-stall barns. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. XLIV(s2):e31, p. 158-162, ISSN: 2239-6268
  • Bjerg B., Norton T., Banhazi T., Zhang G., Bartzanas T., Liberati P., Cascone G., Lee I.-B., Marucci A. (2013). Modelling of ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Part 1: Ammonia release modelling . BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 116, p. 232-245, ISSN: 1537-5110
  • Bjerg B., Liberati P., Marucci A., Zhang G., Banhazi T., Bartzanas T., Cascone G., Lee I.-B., Norton T. (2013). Modelling of ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings: Part 2, air change modelling. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 116, p. 246-258, ISSN: 1537-5110
  • Bjerg B., Cascone G., Lee I.-B., Bartzanas T., Norton T., Hong S.-W., Seo I.-H., Banhazi T., Liberati P., Marucci A., Zhang G. (2013). Modelling of ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings. Part 3: CFD modelling. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 116, p. 259-275, ISSN: 1537-5110
  • Arcidiacono C., Porto S.M.C., Cascone G. (2012). Accuracy of crop-shelter thematic maps: A case study of maps obtained by spectral and textural classification of high-resolution satellite images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 10, p. 1071-1074, ISSN: 1459-0263
  • D'Emilio A., Mazzarella R., Porto S.M.C., Cascone G. (2012). Neural Networks for Predicting Greenhouse Thermal Regimes During Soil Solarization. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE, vol. 55, p. 1093-1103, ISSN: 2151-0032
  • Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Mazzarella R. (2012). Polyamide-Based Film as Greenhouse Covering in Soil Solarization. ACTA HORTICULTURAE, vol. 927, p. 659-666, ISSN: 0567-7572
  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Anguzza U., Cascone G., Barbari M., Simonini S. (2012). Validation of an active RFID-based system to detect pigs housed in pens. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 10, ISSN: 1459-0263
  • Porto S.M.C., Cascone G., Arcidiacono C. (2011). A method to develop the requirements analysis and specifications phase of integrated computer-based information systems for certified plant traceability. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 9, p. 847-853, ISSN: 1459-0255
  • Porto S.M.C, Arcidiacono C., Cascone G. (2011). Developing Integrated Computer-Based Information Systems for Certified Plant Traceability: The Case Study of Italian Citrus-Plant Nursery Chain. BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 109, p. 120-129, ISSN: 1537-5110
  • Porto S.M.C., Leanza P.M., Cascone G. (2011). Developing interpretation plans to promote traditional rural buildings as Built Heritage Attractions. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, p. 421-436 , ISSN: 1522-1970ISSN: 1522-1970
  • Porto S.M.C., Arcidiacono C., Guarnera G.C., Cascone G. (2011). Preliminary study for the implementation of an image analysis algorithm to detect dairy cow presence at the feed barrier. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, p. 17-23, ISSN: 1974-7071
  • Vitale A., Castello I., Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Mazzarella R., Polizzi G. (2011). Reduction of corky root infections on greenhouse tomato crops by soil solarization in south Italy. PLANT DISEASE, vol. 95, p. 195-201, ISSN: 0191-2917
  • Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Buccellato E. (2010). Characterization of waste biomass from greenhouse rose cultivation and packaging. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. 2, p. 29-34, ISSN: 1974-7071
  • Cascone G., Porto S.M.C (2008). Indicatori per la valutazione della potenzialità turistico-ricettiva di edifici rurali tradizionali. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. 3/4, p. 43-56, ISSN: 1974-7071
  • Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Buccellato E., Mazzarella R. (2008). New biodegradable materials for greenhouse soil mulching. ACTA HORTICULTURAE, vol. 801, p. 283-290, ISSN: 0567-7572
  • Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Buccellato E., Mazzarella R. (2007). Caratterizzazione spettroradiometrica di film plastici per la solarizzazione del terreno. TECNICA AGRICOLA, vol. 4, p. 1-10, ISSN: 0371-5124
  • Cascone G., Arcidiacono C. (2007). Definizione di un metodo di verifica per forze sismiche complanari alle pareti di edifici agricoli tradizionali. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, vol. 2, p. 1-12, ISSN: 1974-7071
  • Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Mazzarella R. (2006). Criteri di progettazione e gestione delle aperture di ventilazione nelle stalle per bovine da latte mediante un modello CFD. RIVISTA DI INGEGNERIA AGRARIA, vol. 1, p. 25-34, ISSN: 0304-0593
  • Zappavigna P., Cascone G., Guégen S., La Pergola P. (2006). La sicurezza del lavoro negli allevamenti zootecnici: risultati di un'indagine in aziende della Sicilia e dell'Emilia-Romagna. TECNICA AGRICOLA, vol. 1/2, p. 101-116, ISSN: 0371-5124
  • Rapisarda C., Tropea Garzia G., Cascone G., Mazzarella R., Colombo A., Serges T. (2006). UV-absorbing plastic films for the control of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease (TYLCD) on protected cultivations in Sicily (South Italy). ACTA HORTICULTURAE, vol. 719, p. 597-604, ISSN: 0567-7572
  • Rapisarda C., Cascone G., Colombo A., Tropea Garzia G., Mazzarella R., Serges T. (2005). Controllo fisico di Bemisia tabaci e della virosi TYLCD in coltura protetta. COLTURE PROTETTE, vol. 8, p. 53-64, ISSN: 0390-0444
  • Cascone G., Failla A., D'Emilio A., Porto S.M.C (2004). Classificazione tipologica e ipotesi di riorganizzazione funzionale delle stalle per bovine da latte nell'area iblea. TECNICA AGRICOLA, vol. 3/4, p. 3-17, ISSN: 0371-5124
  • Polizzi G., Cascone G., D'Emilio A., Castello I. (2004). Mezzi fisici e biologici per il contenimento di Pyrenochaeta Lycopersici e Meloidogyne spp. su pomodoro in serra. COLTURE PROTETTE, vol. 2, p. 81-87, ISSN: 0390-0444
  • Cascone G., Arcidiacono C., D'Emilio A., Mazzarella R. (2004). Radiometric properties and field performances of different greenhouse plastic coverings. ACTA HORTICULTURAE, vol. 691, p. 693-700, ISSN: 0567-7572
  • Cascone G., Polizzi G., Noto G., D'Emilio A., Vitale A. (2004). Solarizzazione con film plastici innovativi per il contenimento di Pyrenochaeta lycopersici. COLTURE PROTETTE, vol. 10, p. 73-79, ISSN: 0390-0444
  • Cascone G., La Pergola P., Zappavigna P. (2004). Sulle condizioni di sicurezza e salute per i lavoratori nelle aziende zootecniche siciliane. TECNICA AGRICOLA, vol. 3/4, p. 19-36, ISSN: 0371-5124



Academic Year 2021/2022

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He is involved in research on different subjects related to agricultural buildings:

- environmental conditions in livestock buildings, with specific regard to microclimate modelling, animal welfare and functionality of spaces and equipment;

- application of ICT in livestock buildings for the analysis of the animal behaviour in intensive livestock farming;

- modelling of greenhouse microclimate and optimization of greenhouse building, materials and structures;

- materials, methods and analysis of soil solarization processes under greenhouse;

- application of ICT for traceability of certified plants;

- building materials and functional characteristics of buildings for storage and processing of agricultural products, with specific regard to energy behaviour of storage and processing environments, food hygiene and safety at work;

- rehabilitation of traditional rural buildings in the context of land planning, reuse of traditional rural buildings for tourist uses, interpretation of rural building heritage and structural strengthening of traditional rural buildings in seismic areas.