Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Pietro Minissale
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Acquisition of basic knowledge of European, national and regional legislation on wildlife conservation. Knowledge of the main threats to wild flora and natural environments and habitats. Acquisition of the main methods for the conservation of natural floristic and vegetational resources.

Course Structure

The teaching is based on lectures supported by presentations "Power point" containing information and images, mostly original, on the issues addressed and on the case studies. Moreover, there will be exercises on the topics dealt with in the form of case studies and in-depth studies of bibliographical type or sometimes on surveys in the field with the teacher

Detailed Course Content

1. INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY - Plants and environment. Adaptations and life strategies.

2. WILD VASCULAR FLORA . Flora concept. Biological forms. Geographical distribution of species: ranges and vicariances. Endemism. Adaptations of Mediterranean plants to the environment. Indicator species.

3. VEGETATION. Vegetation Concept. Structure and composition of the vegetation. The phytosociological method.. Dynamism of the vegetation. The potential natural vegetation

4. PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF SICILY AND MEDITERRANEAN REGION. The Sicilian flora. Threatened species. IUCN criteria for assessing the risk of extinction. The red book of Italian plants. Actions to safeguard and conserve plant species.


6. LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY. Change of land use. Climate changes.

7. THE ALIEN SPECIES: definitions, the problem of invasive species; containment and prevention activities

8. HABITAT DIRECTIVE . The 43/92 EEC Habitat Directive. The Natura 2000 network. SCI/ZPS Management plans for the conservation of natural habitats. Goals and objectives of management plans for SCI of Sicily.

9. IN SITU CONSERVATION. Protected areas. National and Regional Parks. Natural areas. Reserves.

10. EX SITU CONSERVATION. Germplasm in conservation activities. The germplasm banks. Botanical gardens.

11. PROTECTION OF THE WOOD: protection of the forest in national and regional legislation

12. THE MONUMENTAL TREES: definitions and selection criteria

13. URBAN FORESTS: Definitions and meaning for conservation


Textbook Information

S. Pignatti, P. M. Bianco, G. Fanelli 2001 -. “Le piante come indicatori ambientali. Manuale tecnico-scientifico”. Manuale ANPA.

G. Bacchetta et al. 2006 - Manuale per la raccolta, studio, conservazione e gestione ex situ del germoplasma APAT.

C. Blasi et al. 2005 – Stato della biodiversità in Italia. Ministero dell’Ambiente Direzione per la protezione della Natura. Palombi Editori.

Janssen J.A.M. et al. 2016. European Red List of Habitats. Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats. European Union

Rossi G., et al. (Eds.), 2013. Lista Rossa della Flora Italiana. 1. Policy Species e altre specie minacciate. Comitato Italiano IUCN e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare

Ppt provided by the teacher