Landscape Ecological Analysis

Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Landscape Ecology

    Provide methods to analyze and evaluate the landscape in order to schedule processing, taking into account the role assumed by the perceptual factors of the population, the cultural stratified in time, as well as environmental ones.

  • Landscape analysis

    The course aims at providing methods for landscape analysis and evaluation in order to plan landscape modification by taking into account the role assumed by the perceptual factors of the population as well as the cultural and environmental factor stratified in time. To develop in students the skills required for defining lansdscape areas and landscape by means of geographical masps and survey cards.

Course Structure

  • Landscape Ecology

    The course includes 28 hours of frontal lessons (or remotely) and 28 hours of practical lessons (discussion of case studies and guided tours, reports, essays, individual or group research carried out by students, educational field experiences, seminars). Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

  • Landscape analysis

    The course includes 28 hours of frontal lessons and 28 hours of practical lessons (discussion of case studies and guided tours, reports, essays, individual or group research carried out by students, educational field experiences, seminars). If measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic should be incremented lectures could be held online or in mixed mode.

Detailed Course Content

  • Landscape Ecology

    Ecosystemic and chorologic function; Structure and function of landscapes; Structural features of the landscapes; Vegetation and Landscape; Ecosystem conservation

  • Landscape analysis

    Background. Reference standards and the European Landscape Convention. Data collection, sources, media representation. Analysis of the landscape through the use of indicators. Visual Analysis. Evaluation of landscape: speditivi systems, analytical systems. Plan of the landscape. Landscape design. Techniques involving population.

Textbook Information

  • Landscape Ecology

    text 1 - Ecologia del paesaggio, Sandro Pignatti, UTET 1994

    text 2 - Ecologia del paesaggio, Almo Farina, UTET 2001

    text 3 - Conservazione della natura, R. B. Primack & L. Carotenuto, Zanichelli 2003

    text for further information - Landscape Ecology in theory and Practice, Pattern and Process, Turner M. G., Gardner R. H., Springer 2015

  • Landscape analysis


    2. Codice Urbani (Decreto Legislativo 22 Gennaio 2004, n. 42), parte III. 3. Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, Firenze 2000.

    4. Documentazione necessaria alla verifica della compatibilità paesaggistica degli interventi proposti, ai sensi dell'articolo 146, comma 3, del Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio di cui al decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42 (G.U. n. 25 del 31 gennaio 2006).

    5. European Council For The Village And Small Town (ECOVAST), (2006). Landscape Identification. A guide to good practice.

    6. Maniglio Calcagno A., (2006). Architettura del paesaggio. Evoluzione storica. FrancoAngeli ed., Milano.

    10. Gissi, Elena. 2011. Conoscere e comunicare il paesaggio : linguaggi, metodi e strumenti per l'integrazione tra l'ecologia del paesaggio e la pianificazione territoriale / Elena Gissi ; premessa di Giovanni Zurlini. Milano: Angeli Editore.

    7. Mazzino F., Ghersi A.(2002) Per un’analisi del paesaggio. Metodo conoscitivo, analitico e valutativo per operazioni di progettazione e gestione. Gangemi ed., Roma.

    8. Osservatorio Città Sostenibili, Dipartimento Interateneo Territorio, Politecnico e Università di Torino. La valutazione del carattere del paesaggio. Working paper P04/07

    9. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) e Countryside Agency (CA) (2002). Landscape Character Assessment (LCA). Guidance for England and Scotland. (