Environmental Remediation

Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 64 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Analytical chemistry of pollutants

    Classification of pollutants; chemical principles of the solutions; Pollutant types: inorganic and organic. Air , soil and water pollution. Analytical chemistry: reliability, accuracy and precision of measurements, measurement errors; main instruments and laboratory equipment, the calibration curve and uncertainty of results. Main chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques. Laboratory practice.

  • Natural purification techniques and water reuse

    Wastewater characteristics

    Wastewater sources. Wastewater system network. Quality and quantity characteristics of wastewaters. Legislation on wastewater disposal and treatment.

    Treatment and disposal systems

    Natural treatment system: constructed wetland, lagooning and wastewater storage reservoir.

    Wastewater reuse

    Sanitary and agronomic effects of wastewater irrigation on soil and crops. Technological aspects of wastewater irrigation. Legislation on wastewater reuse. Illustration of case studies on disposal and reuse of wastewater by extensive techniques.

    Objectives of the course: to acquire knowledge on the issues of wastewater natural treatment. The student will acquire knowledge about the regulatory limits for discharge and reuse of wastewater and the most innovative systems of extensive natural wastewater treatment.


Textbook Information

  • Analytical chemistry of pollutants

    1. Stanley E. Manahan, Chimica dell’ambiente, Piccin


    2. Appunti delle lezioni


  • Natural purification techniques and water reuse
    • Lecture Notes distributed during the course
    • Masotti L., Depurazione delle acque, Calderini, 2011
    • Cirelli G.L., I trattamenti naturali delle acque reflue urbane. Ed. Gruppo Editoriale Esselibri – Simone, 2003.