Milan Milenovic

Dottore di ricerca
Dottorato in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXV Ciclo
Tutor: Carmelo Rapisarda


Oct 2019 – present: PhD candidate.

University of Catania (Italy) and Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (Luxembourg) [grant financed by the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR), line “Aides a la Formation-Recherche (AFR)” individual grants].

Research project: “Effect of Climate Change on the interaction between whiteflies, parasitoids, endosymbionts, and the host plant in European and Mediterranean regions”, which is aiming to conduct climatic simulations followed by transcriptome analyses with the scope to unravel how the future climate will affect complex multitrophic interactions in agroecosystems and what the metabolic mechanisms involved are.

May 2017–Dec 2017: MSc thesis research.

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).

Outgoing research period aimed at studying plant-insect interactions and plant resistance to a very important whitefly pest, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), on cassava, sweet potato, cotton, and tomato. Innovative electropenetrography (EPG) technique has been pioneered for the first time in Africa and an EPG laboratory established, while gaining comprehensive molecular analysis skills and optimizing several insect identification protocols.

Sep 2015–Dec 2017: MSc Agris Mundus in “Sustainable Development in Agriculture”, curriculum “Safe production in horticulture”.

University of Catania, Faculty of Agriculture, Catania (Italy) and University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Copenhagen (Denmark) [grant for a full double-degree master program financed by the European Union, line “Erasmus Mundus Master Joint Degrees”].

The master curriculum largely focused on sustainable agricultural development and natural resource management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, integrated pest management, and biological control of pests and diseases. Final grade: 110/110 with a praise.

Sep 2013–May 2014: BSc student exchange – World Learning scholarship.

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, Saint Paul (United States) [grant for a student exchange scholarship at the University of Minnesota, funded by the USA Department of State].

Development of two research projects in the areas of molecular biology and screening for plant resistance, respectively. Both semesters have been finished with a Dean’s list honour.

Jul 2011–Jun 2015: BSc in plant protection.

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade (Serbia).

Among others, studies included courses on entomology, plant pathology, weed science, biological control of pests and diseases, and phytopharmacy (fungicides, zoocides, herbicides). Graduation as a student of generation and a grade average of 9.88/10.


Work experience

Jun 2019 – Oct 2019: Nachmansohn Consulting Co. – Israel.

Freelancer, data science and team leadership

I was leading and managing a data processing team of Nachmansohn Consulting Co. that works on the international, collaborative project with ICL fertilizers. Besides leading the team, I also processed and analyzed complex datasets myself and developed Python programs for automated processing of large datasets.

Mar 2018–Apr 2018: Agricultural High School “Sumatovac” - Aleksinac, Serbia

Replacement high school professor

Full-time teaching of courses on irrigation, soil science, crop production, and agribusiness to students from the first through the fourth year of high school.

Milenovic, M., Wosula, E. N., Rapisarda, C., Legg, J. P. (2019) Impact of host plant species and whitefly species on feeding behavior of Bemisia tabaci. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00001.

Available at:

Hansen, L. V., Lama, L., Milenovic, M., Vargas, I. R., Welker, E. (2016) Land Fragmentation and Agroforestry: Shifting Practices and Perceptions of Trees on Small Farms. Oral and poster presentation, Tropentag conference, Vienna (Austria), 18-21 Sept 2016 (abstract at

Milenovic, M., James, E. K. (2014) Characterization of soybean resistance to Fusarium virguliforme in recombinant inbred lines Minsoy x Noir (abstract at