Carla Zarbà

Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDA) of Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal [AGRI-01/A]


She won a scholarship for Socrates Project (Erasmus) at the School of Law, Utrecht (Netherlands).

She began her scientific research activity in the field of agricultural economics and estimation by taking part in a research programme at the University of Catania on bluefish, dealing with aspects related to production, the market, consumption and legislation, carrying out surveys at major bluefin tuna consumption centers with the support of an ad hoc questionnaire. After collecting the data, these were subsequently processed and economic models applied within the research group.

She is the author of the following publication: Caniglia, E., & Zarbà, C. (2008). Consumer behaviour about fresh fish: The case of sliced red tuna. Italian Journal of Food Science, 21(2), 270-273. Ischia.



She got a Master’s Degree in Law cum Laude from the University of Catania - Department of Law.

She won a PhD scholarship in Agrifood Economics.

She was included as a participant in the Research Unit managed by Prof. PECORINO Biagio in the context of the PRIN 2009 funding applications.



As part of her PhD, she carried out studies on the Small Business Act for Europe, starting with an in-depth study of EU policies in favour of SMEs focusing on to economic and legal aspects. After a basic training phase on scientific activity in the field of agricultural economics and estimation through ad hoc meetings and seminars with professors and researchers and didactic lectures, she took part in working groups on the identification of tools and methodologies for carrying out research programmes at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Estimation of the University of Catania.


She participated in the seminars JEAN MONNET PROJECT 2009/2010 CATTEDRA AD PERSONAM

"L'Avenir du Développment Rural dans l'UE: Governance, Multifonctionnalitè et Soustenabilitè" at the University of Catania - Department of Economic-Agricultural and Estimative Sciences (DISEAE) and contributed to the debates through ad hoc interventions.




She continued her PhD activity at the University of Florida’s (UF) deepening the themes on the US Small Business Act, as a forerunner of the European one, in order to make useful comparisons instrumental for reflections on the development of SME activity from a functional, managerial, operational, bureaucratic and economic point of view in order to glimpse outlines of improvements to be proposed in the legislative process. The difficulties concretely encountered by firms were detected through interviews to Florida companies to whom questionnaires were submitted for this purpose.


As a PhD Visiting Scholar, she gave lectures on the structure of businesses as part of the “Principles of Entrepreneurship” course at the University of Florida’s (UF) Warrington College of Business Administration (WCBA) to students and interacted with them during subsequent discussions and conducted question-and-answer phases. 




She continued the doctoral work in Brussels, attending the European Commission to carry out research for the completion of her doctoral thesis.


She is the author of the following publication: Zarbà, C. (2012). The importance of information to consumers in the new EU regulatory landscape and the "shelf life". Italian Journal of Food Science 21(2), pp. 80-83. Changwon, South Korea.




She obtained the PhD in Food Economics.


She acquired the “English Language Certificate”; Council of Europe Level B2, at EIL SCHOOL, Rome.


She has contributed, within the framework of the PON 01_01611 SO.PRO.ME (Sustainability of pot plant production in the Mediterranean environment) Project, to the organisation and execution of surveys at companies in the floricultural sector in Sicily. In particular, he focused on the effects of joint production (economies of scope) on the competitive strategies of companies. 


She qualified as a lawyer at the Catania Court of Appeal.


She is the author of the following publication: Di Vita, G., Foresta, G., & Zarbà, C. (2013). Alcoholic beverage consumption by young people: An investigation into some trends in drinking behaviour. [Youth alcoholic beverage consumption: An investigation into some behavioural patterns] Agro-Food Economics, 15(1), 203-232. doi:10.3280/ECAG2013-001010. ISSN: 1126-1668.


She collaborated as a legal expert at Public Entity. CAPITT (Centre for the Update of Professions and for Innovation and Technology Transfer) - University of Catania - for the drafting of regulations (technology transfer, Spin-off, etc.).


She passed the bar exam at the Catania Court of Appeal obtaining the qualification to practise as a lawyer.



She continued the research on the “Sustainability of pot plant production in the Mediterranean environment (SO.PRO.ME.)” by processing data on the economic structure of ornamental companies with the objective with reference to the characteristics of the competitive dimension (economies of scale; experience curve) and the corresponding repercussions on commercial distribution (channel constraints and conflicts). 

She got a scholarship for the Master in Business Administration (MBA) (Bando Misura 4. Attendance of higher education offered by university and research institutions of proven international prestige operating outside Sicily).  R.T.I. IRFIS - FinSicilia S.p.A INFO S.r.l., I.Z.I. S.p.A., Mediterranea Engineering S.r.l.

She is the author of the following publication:

Zarbà, C., Bracco, S., & Zarbà, A. S. (2014). The progress and competitiveness of SMES from SBA up to Horizon 2020: A new approach of innovation and technological advancement. Quality - Access to Success, 15(SUPPL.1), 202-206. Bucharest, Romania.




She developed research activity on the issues connecting the Small Business Act to the European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 under the Societal Challange: Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy, as well as Secure Societes.

She holds a Master’s degree in Business Admnistration (MBA) from LUISS Business School.

She collaborated as a legal expert on small and medium-sized enterprises (technology transfer, business internationalisation; international trade, contracts) with an international law firm in Milan-Italy.




She contributed to research on “Sustainable strategies for disinfesting soil and substrates from telluric pathogens” (University Project fir2014); a topic that can be assimilated to the actions envisaged under the “Societal Challenge” (Interaction between innovative technologies and economic and ethical-social evaluations of the company in the use of plant protection products).


She is the author of the following publications:

Allegra, V., Zarbà, A. S., Chinnici, G., Zarbà, C., & Pappalardo, G. (2016). Empirical survey on the consumption blue fish in Sicily. Paper presented at the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 3 177-184. doi:10.5593/SGEM2016/B53/S21.023. Albena, Bulgaria.

Zarbà, A. S., Allegra, V., Pappalardo, G., Chinnici, G., & Zarbà, C. (2016). Struggle of telluric pathogens. Economic evaluations. Paper presented at the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 3 545-552. doi:10.5593/SGEM2016/B53/S21.070. Albena, Bulgaria.

Allegra, V., Zarbà, C., & Zarbà, A. S. (2016). Propulsive competitive scenarios for a new qualification of almond sector. Quality - Access to Success, 17, 99-105. Bucharest, Romania.


Acquired Trinity College London, Grade Examination in Spoken English - Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (Speaking and Listening), Council of Europe Level B2. 

Developed research on the economic sustainability of wild edible plants.


She continued the research on wild edible plants and extended research activity on so-called Novel foods.

She focused her scientific research efforts to the citrus fruit sector, with particular reference to the orange juice segment. 


She contributed to the completion of research on the orange juice trade.

She has taken a particular interest in research on the circular economy of citrus products and nursery plants.

She became a member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE).

She presented a published research paper as part of the SGEM Vienna 2019 Green Scientific Sessions Congress.

She received the 2019 Best Speaker award.

She functioned as Session Chairman during the Plenary Scientific Sessions: Section Oil and Gas Exploration and 2. Section Hydrology and Water Resources.

She is the author of the following publications:

Allegra, V., Zarbà, C., La Via, G., & Zarbà, A. S. (2019). Why the new orange juice consumption model favors global trade and growth in orange production. British Food Journal, 121(9), 1954-1968. doi:10.1108/BFJ-05-2019-0316. United Kingdom.

Zarbà, C., Allegra, V., Zarbà, A. S., & Zocco, G. (2019). Wild leafy plants market survey in sicily: From local culture to food sustainability. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 4(3), 534-546. doi:10.3934/agrfood.2019.3.534. Springfield, USA.

Chinnici, G., Zarbà, C., Hamam, M., Pecorino, B., & D'Amico, M. (2019). A model of circular economy of citrus industry. Paper presented at the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19(4.2) 19-26. doi:10.5593/sgem2019V/4.2/S04.003. Vienna, Austria.

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., Pecorino, B., & D'Amico, M. (2019). Paradigm of the circular economy in agriculture: The case of vegetable seedlings for transplantation in nursery farms. Paper presented at the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, , 19(4.2) 113-120. doi:10.5593/sgem2019V/4.2/S04.016. Vienna, Austria.

Allegra, V., Zarbà, A. S., & Zarbà, C. (2019). Recent overview of the agri-food commercial economy of Italy with the rest of the world. Connections with the national economic system. Quality - Access to Success, 20(S2), 13-20. Romania.



She completed research on the role and perspectives of Novel foods in the context of agri-food consumption and regulatory and policy aspects.

She continued his research on the European Union's policy in favour of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, to follow the evolution of the practical application of the SBA (Small Business Act) in Italy and Europe. This also in view of and in relation to the European programmes including Horizon2020 funding for research and innovation projects and the SME Instrument.

She presented a published research paper as part of the SGEM Vienna 2020 Green Scientific Sessions telematic congress.

She is the author of the following publications:

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., & D'Amico, M. (2020). Novel food: The impact of innovation on the paths of the traditional food chain. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(2) doi:10.3390/su12020555 .  Basel, Switzerland.

Zarbà, C., La Via, G., Pappalardo, G., & Hamam Manal Samir, M. (2020). The sustainability of novel foods in the transition phase to the circular economy; the trade “algae fit for human consumption” in European Union. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 5(1), 54-75. doi:10.3934/AGRFOOD.2020.1.54 . ISSN: 2471-2086. Codice ANCE: E236495. Cris ID: journal55630. Springfield, USA.

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., Pecorino, B., D'Amico, M., & Bracco, S. (2020). The European Union responses to the impact of Covid 19 on SMEs in the Italian Agri-food Sistem. Paper presented at the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 20(6.2) 161-168. doi:10.5593/sgem2020V/6.2/s08.21 . Vienna, Austria..



She became a member of the Italian Society of Agro-Food Economics (SIEA).

She got the national scientific qualification (Competition Sector 07/A1- II Fascia) - Ministry of University and Research on 1/6/2021.


From 11/03/2021 to 12/03/2022: she is a fixed-term Assistant Professor of Agricultural economics and rural appraisal related to a research grant on the topic “Regulations in the olive-oil supply chain: Limits and incentives towards circular economy models” - as part of the PRIN 2017 research project: “DRIVING THE ITALIAN AGRI-FOOD SYSTEM INTO A CIRCULAR ECONOMY MODEL” - at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, of the University of Catania, for the concursive sector 07/A1 “Agricultural Economics and Estimation”, scientific-disciplinary sector AGR/01 “Rural Economics and Estimation”.


She was included as a research fellow in the PRIN DRASTIC Project “Driving The Italian Agri-Food System Into A Circular Economy Model” PRIN-MIUR (2017 JYRZFF), funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research MIUR).

She presented a research paper as part of the LVII SIDEA Conference: 16 - 17 September Bologna 2021, which was subsequently published.


She participated at the Summer School in European Enviromental Taxation (SUSEET) from 21/6/2021 to 26/6/2021 organised by the University of Naples Federico II - Department of Law.


She is author of the following publication: Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., La Via, G., Bracco, S., Pecorino, B., & D’amico, M. (2021). Regulatory elements on the circular economy: Driving into the agri-food system. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(15). doi:10.3390/su13158350 . Basel, Switzerland.




She was a research fellow related to the project “Analysis of support policies for the adoption of innovations aimed at improving the economic-environmental sustainability of livestock farms” -as part of the research project P.O. FESR Sicilia 2014-2020 - Priority Axis 1 'Research, Technological Development and Innovation' - Action 1.1. 5 “Technological innovations in dairy cattle farms: development of a prototype of an automatic system for monitoring the behaviour of cows to improve their welfare and productive and reproductive performance – COWTECH” -at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania, concurrency sector 07/A1 “Agricultural Economics and Estimation”, scientific-disciplinary sector AGR/01 “Rural Economics and Estimation”.

She participated in the LVIII SIDEA Conference: 29 - 30 September Palermo 2022.

She is the author of the following publications:

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., Hamam, M., Bracco, S., Pecorino, B., & D'Amico, M. (2022). Driving management of novel foods: A network analysis approach. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2021.799587 . Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, United States.

Hamam, M., D'Amico, M., Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., & Tóth, J. (2022). Eco-innovations transition of agri-food enterprises into a circular economy. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6.  doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.845420. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico.

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., Pecorino, B., Pappalardo, G., & D’Amico, M. (2022). Recent scenarios in Italy on fresh-cut products in the covid-19 context. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 7(2), 403-425. doi:10.3934/agrfood.2022026 . Springfield, USA.

Zarbà, C., Bracco, S., Pecorino, B., Pappalardo, G., Chinnici, G., & D’amico, M. (2022). Supporting agri-food SMEs in Italy in the post-COVID-19 context: From horizon 2020 to horizon Europe. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13). doi:10.3390/su14137615 . Basel, Switzerland.

Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G. & D’Amico, M. (2022). Moving through the New Trends of the Novel Foods in the Agri-Food System: The Case of Algae, Reference Module in Food Science, Elsevier, ISBN 9780081005965, . Olanda..



She is author of the following publication:

Selvaggi, R., Zarbà, C., Pappalardo, G., Pecorino, B., & Chinnici, G. (2023). Italian consumers’ awareness, preferences and attitudes about Sicilian blood oranges (Arancia Rossa di Sicilia PGI). Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 11 doi:10.1016/j.jafr.2022.100486.

Zarbà C. Chinnici G., D'Amico M. (2023). Moving Through the New Trends of Novel Foods in the Agri-Food System: The Case of Algae. Sustainable Food Science - A Comprehensive Approach, 2023, Pages 29-58.

Since 01/03/2023 - ongoing: she is a fixed-term Researcher in Rural Economics and Estimates (AGR/01) at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) of the University of Catania on the project: ONFOODS - Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security - Working ON Foods. Spoke 1: Global Sustainability. CUP E63C22002060006.

16/05/2023 – She held a seminar on regulatory and market aspects of Novel Foods at the Department of Law, University of Catania.

Last edit: 03/14/2024

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