Juan Miguel Ramirez Cuesta

Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDA) of Agricultural machinery and mechanization [AGRI-04/B]

Dr. Ramírez Cuesta has 10-years of experience (2012-2022) in the fields of Remote Sensing and Agricultural Sciences. His research line focuses on the study and evaluation of agricultural systems and mainly on the agricultural water management by using remote sensing techniques (multispectral, hyperspectral, radar and thermal images) and Geographic Information Systems. More specifically, his work focuses on estimating the crop water requirements and evaluating crop water status through the use of remote sensing-based models. He was graduated with a BS. Degree in Environmental Sciences (URJC; 2006-2011, obtaining the award of 3rd best score of the 2006-2011 Promotion), a MSc. Degree in Geographical Information Technologies (University of Alcala de Henares, Spain; 2011-2012, obtaining the Honorable Mention for the best score of the 2011-2012 Promotion), and a MSc. Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement (University of Cordoba, Spain; 2013-2014, obtaining the award of 1st best score of the 2013-2014 Promotion).
He was granted with a FPI-INIA fellowship (Nov-2012/Oct-2016) for conducting his International PhD thesis on the use of remote sensing techniques for enhancing irrigation management (presented on Nov-2018, Outstanding Cum Laude) at IFAPA. From Nov-2016 to Jul-2019, he was contracted as a researcher under the framework of an international project (JPI-Water IRIDA). In 2019, he was granted with a JdC-F postdoctoral contract (Jan-2020/Jun-2021) at the CEBAS-CSIC. He has participated at 20 research projects (8 international and 12 national/regional), being PI of three of them; and at 5 contract with private companies, acting as PI in 2 of them. He has also organised 2 R&D activities. His research has been conducted in 5 research centres in Spain and training gained in 4 internationally-recognized research centres in USA (University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of California-Davis) and Italy (Università degli Studi di Catania and CREA-OFA) with a total duration of 26 months.
Dr. Ramirez-Cuesta is co-author of 41 ISI contributions during the period 2015-2023 (32 Articles and 9 "conference papers"; SCOPUS). From the 32 scientific Articles, 14 (44%) are Q1 ranked and 9 (28%) are D1 ranked (WOS-JCR, Jan-2023). In 53% of them he acted as First, Last or Corresponding Author. These documents have collected 336 citations by 267 different sources, resulting in an H index of 12 (SCOPUS, Jan-2023). In addition, he has published 12 book chapters and 3 technical articles. He has also presented 24 scientific contributions in 17 International (12) and National (5) Congresses. Dr. Ramirez-Cuesta has co-authored 2 Industrial and Intellectual Properties which are being currently exploited by private companies; and two open-source GIS-toolboxes for determining crop evapotranspiration which have received several users’ requests.
He is acting as Associate Editor of the journal Irrigation Science (since 2021, Q1); as Topic Editor of the journal Remote Sensing (since 2020; Q2), as well as Guest Editor of 2 Special Issues in Water (since 2020; Q2) and Atmosphere (Since 2020; Q3) journals. He has been invited to give talks and seminars at international level (USA, Chile and India); and have experience in teaching graduate and postgraduate courses (e.g. teaching in “Grado en Ingeniería Agrícola y Agoalimentaria” at UCLM and invited lessons in the Precision Viticulture subject of the Msc. Degree in Oenology and Viticulture at the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University). He has mentored 2 MSc student (at Università degli Studi di Catania and Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy) and 2 PhD students (at Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy; and Universite Mohammed Premier, Morocco). Owing his academic records and scientific career, he has been awarded with 4 academic prizes and granted with 6 fellowships: (i) PostDoctoral Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (CIDE-CSIC) (ii) Postdoctoral for the scientific excellence in the development of the R&D&I (UCLM); (iii) PostDoctoral Juan de la Cierva-Formación (CEBAS-CSIC); (iv) Postdoctoral for Short Stay (IVIA), within the RED VITIS 2.0 Excellence Network; (v) PreDoctoral FPI-INIA (IFAPA); (vi) PreDoctoral for collaborating with University departments (URJC).

Last edit: 05/16/2024

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