Mara Maddalena Gennari

Full Professor of Agricultural chemistry [AGRI-06/B]

Associate professor at the University of Catania from 1 November 1998. Professor at the University of Catania from 1 March 2004. Lecturer: "Soil fertility and plant nutrition" at the DISPA, University of Catania. From 2004 to 2010 she was Coordinator of the PhD in "Agricultural Chemistry and environmental friendliness" of the University of Catania. Since 2001 he is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "J. of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. In September 2000, he organized the XVIII National Congress of SICA (Catania, 20-22 September 2000). He organized the International Conference: "Exposure and effects of Chlorpyrifos following use under southern european conditions", held in Catania on 9-10 April 2003. Has organized the 3rd European Modelling Workshop held in Catania on 17-19 February 2004. She was  involved in the organization of the Seventh national Conference of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) held in Catania on 31 May-1 June 2007, and the MGPR Conference "Pesticides in the mediterranean area" held in Catania 11 to November 12, 2010 . She is a member of the society: GRIFA, SICA, MGPR, and IHSS. Was president of the Italian Research Group Pesticides and the Environment (GRIFA).

  • Baglieri A., Ioppolo A., Abbate C., Nègre M., Gennari M. 2010 Characterization of Glycerol-Extractable Organic Matter from Etna Soils of Different Ages. Pedosphere 20: 120-128.
  • Fukushima K., Abbate C., Tabuani D., Gennari M., Rizzarelli P., Camino G. 2010. Biodegrdation trend of poly ( ε-caprolattone) and nanocomposites. Materials Science and Engeneering C. 30: 566-574.
  • Conte, P., Abbate C., Baglieri A., Nègre M., De Pasquale C., Alonzo G., Gennari M. 2011 Adsorption of dissolved organic matter on clay minerals as ossesse by infra-red, CPMAS 13C NMR spectroscopy and low field T1 NMR relaxometry. Organic Geochemistry, 42: 972-977.
  • Baglieri, A., Reyneri, A., Gennari, M., Nègre, M.
  • Organically modified clays as binders of fumonisins in feedstocks  2013 Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 48 (9), pp. 776-783.
  • Baglieri, A., Nègre, M., Trotta, F., Bracco, P., Gennari, M.            
  • Organo-clays and nanosponges for acquifer bioremediation: Adsorption and degradation of triclopyr
  • (2013) Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 48 (9): 784-792.
  • Ertani, A., Pizzeghello, D., Baglieri, A., Cadili, V., Tambone, F., Gennari, M., Nardi, S.
  • Humic-like substances from agro-industrial residues affect growth and nitrogen assimilation in maize (Zea mays L.) plantlets
  • (2013) Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 129: 103-111.
  • Abbate, C., Ambrosoli, R., Minati, J.L., Gennari, M., Arena, M. 2013 Metabolic and molecular methods to evaluate the organoclay effects on a bacterial community Environmental Pollution, 179, pp. 39-44.
  • Cavallaro, V., Trotta, F., Gennari, M., Di Silvestro, I., Pellegrino, A., Barbera, A.C. 2013
  • Effects of the complex nanosponges-naphthaleneacetic acid and β cyclodextrins on in vitro rhizogenesis of globe artichoke. Acta Horticulturae, 983: 369-372.
  • Fukushima, K., Tabuani, D., Arena, M., Gennari, M., Camino, G. 2013
  • Effect of clay type and loading on thermal, mechanical properties and biodegradation of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 73 (3): 540-549.
  • Baglieri, A., Vindrola D., Gennari M., Negre M. 2014. Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of insoluble and soluble humic acid fractions at different pH values. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 2014: 1-9
  • Baglieri, A., Cadili, V., Mozzetti Monterumici, C., Gennari M., Tabasso S., Montoneri E., Nardi, S., Negre, M.  2014. Fertilization of bean plants with tomato plants hydrolysates. Effect on biomass production, chlorophyll content and N assimilation. Scientia Horticulturae 176: 94-199,

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

The research focused on the behavior of pesticides in soil and in water with studies on the decay of the active ingredients, and determination of the kinetics of the adsorption-desorption isotherms, evaluation of the extent and mechanisms of adsorption of humic acids and iron oxides. The research has also focused on the study of soil in its components, biological, inorganic and organic. He also initiated research on the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the soil microflora through traditional and molecular techniques. It also deals with the assessment of the biodegradability of plastic nanocomposites. She is author and co-author of 135 scientific publications