Phytobacteriology laboratory
Via Santa Sofia - Ground floor - Plant Protection DivisionPerson in charge: Vittoria Catara
Preposto: Vittoria Catara
Laboratory usage: research
The activities carried out in the phytobacteriology laboratory concern the study of bacteria associated with plants (Plant Associated Bacteria - PAB). In particular, the activities concern:
- the diagnosis and detection of phytopathogenic bacteria with official protocols and development of new diagnostic methods;
- the study of the microbiota and microbiome of the rhizosphere in relation to biotic or abiotic factors;
- the selection, identification and characterization of phytopathogenic or 'beneficial' bacteria;
- the study of the mechanisms of action of PABs.
The microbiological activities and preparatory activities for the molecular analyzes are carried out in the laboratory, which will be carried out in the Phytosanitary Biotechnology laboratory, and in plant experimentation.
The laboratory is equipped with a laminar flow hood.