- July 2023: First Level Master in Viticulture, Enology and Enomarketing; Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) - University of Catania, supervisor: Prof. Vera Teresa Foti. Final project work: "Development and Promotion of Etna DOC: the role of the Consortium for the Protection and Promotion of Etna DOC Wines". Final mark: 106/110
- 2022-2025: PhD course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania. Research project: “Characterisation and valorisation of the biodiversity of agricultural interest in the Caltagirone area for the implementation of a local, sustainable and inclusive agri-food system”. Tutor: Prof. Paolo Guarnaccia, Co-Tutor: Prof. Giuseppe Timpanaro
- May 2022 - Oct 2022: Research grant, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania, supervisor: Ferdinando Branca. Research activities: Economic assessment of sustainability in broccoli, tomato and green bean production within the BRESOV Project – Horizon 2020.
- 2021: Qualification as Agronomy and Forestry Doctor
- Oct 2019 - Jul 2021: Master's degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (LM-69); Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) - University of Catania, supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Timpanaro. Degree thesis: "Food consumption and the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of sustainability in purchasing choices" . Final mark: 110/110 cum laude
- Oct 2016 - Jul 2019: Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (L-25); Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) - University of Catania, supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Timpanaro. Degree thesis: "Multifunctionality in Sicily's wineries: the case of the Etna Wine Route" Final mark: 110/110 cum laude
- Sept 2011 - Jul 2016: Scientific High School Diploma; Final mark: 100/100. Liceo scientifico Don Bosco, Catania (CT)
Timpanaro G., Cascone G., Food consumption and the Covid19 pandemic: the role of sustainability in purchasing choices, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2022.
Timpanaro G., Pecorino B., Chinnici G., Bellia C., Cammarata M., Cascone G., Scuderi A. (2023). Exploring innovation adoption behavior for sustainable development of Mediterranean treecrops, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 7, 2023.
Scuderi A., Cascone G., Timpanaro G., Sturiale L., La Via G., Guarnaccia P. (2023). Living Labs as a Method of Knowledge Value Transfer in a Natural Area. In: Gervasi, O., et al. Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops. ICCSA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14106. Springer, Cham.
Timpanaro, G., Chinnici, G., Selvaggi, R., Cascone, G., Foti, V. T., & Scuderi, A. (2023). Farmer’s adoption of agricultural insurance for Mediterranean crops as an innovative behavior. Economia Agro-alimentare/Food Economy - Open Access.
Cascone, G., Scuderi, A., Guarnaccia, P., & Timpanaro, G. (2024). Promoting innovations in agriculture: Living labs in the development of rural areas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141247.
Cammarata, M., Scuderi, A., Timpanaro, G., & Cascone, G. (2024). Factors influencing farmers' intention to participate in the voluntary carbon market: An extended theory of planned behavior. Journal of Environmental Management, 369, 122367.