Membership Section: Animal Production

2020-2023: Ph.D. course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania. Research project: “Characterization of traditional ricotta produced in Sicily: focus on the different varieties produced, analysis and shelf-life evaluation”. The Ph.D. project is focused on production technologies and characterization of Sicilian artisanal ricotta in its various types, analyzing the evaluation and extension of shelf life, the microbiological, chemical, sensory, and texture characteristics.
The aim of the Ph.D. project is the improvement of the shelf-life of the different types of Sicilian ricotta, produced with artisanal techniques, developing appropriate evaluation and extension protocols of the shelf-life, allowing to formulate a product which maintains longer shelf-life times, allowing the introduction of a well-preserved product on the market which maintains it's original characteristics. This project aims at a positive economic impact on farms as well as restoring and improving the biodiversity of the products.

Sep 2020 – Aug 2021: Research scholarship (Progetto Ager - “Canestrum Casei”) Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania.

Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Licitra.

Research activities: " Characterization of historical Sicilian cheeses, AGER cheeses selection, and development of valorization models”;
Research program " Development of a synergy model aimed to Qualify and Valorize the Natural Historic Cheese of Southern Italy in the Sicilian, Sardinia, Calabria, Basilicata and Campania Regions ";

Jul 2019 – Jun 2020: Research scholarship (Progetto Ager – “Canestrum Casei”) Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania.

Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Licitra.

Research activities: " Characterization of historical Sicilian cheeses, AGER cheeses selection, and development of valorization models”;
Research program "Development of a synergy model aimed to Qualify and Valorize the Natural Historic Cheese of Southern Italy in the Sicilian, Sardinia, Calabria, Basilicata and Campania Regions".

2019: Qualification as Food Tecnologist, O.T.A.S.S. (Italy).

2016 – 2018: Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Catania; supervisors: Prof. Giuseppe Licitra. Degree thesis: "Analysis of the nutrients balance of the Ragusano P.D.O. production systems and related production of ricotta". Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.

2012 – 2016: Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Perugia. Supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Rosignoli. Degree thesis: “Botulism: characteristics, cases in Italy, and laboratory diagnosis”.

2011: Scientific High School Graduation, Liceo Scientifico "S. Cannizzaro", Vittoria (Italy)

Dairy products characterization; Milk quality; Milk enzyme; Whey proteomic; Dairy production technologies; Surveys and milk sampling; Surveys and sampling of livestock feed; Data processing; Statistical analysis -JMP 16 Software (SAS); Use of analytical instruments for Technological parameters detection in the production processes (Minititrator, and pH meter for Dairy Products). 

Addis M., Di Trana A., Di Rosa A.R., Claps S., Mangione G., Dedola A.S., Licitra G., (2021). Fatty acid profile, liposoluble vitamins and antioxidant capacity in three historic cheeses of southern Italy: Piacentinu ennese DOP, Maiorchino e Canestrato di Moliterno IGP. F.1.1. Nutritional profile, p 129. ASPA 24th Congress Book of Abstract. Ital J Anim Sci vol.20:s1.

Busetta, G., Garofalo, G., Mangione, G., Botta, L., Franciosi, E., Di Gerlando, R., Todaro, M., Licitra, G., Scatassa, M.L., Gaglio, R., and Settanni, L. (2021). Polyphasic characterization of microbiota of “Mastredda”, a traditional wooden tool used during the production of PDO provola dei nebrodi cheese. Applied Sciences, 11(18), 8647. doi:

G. Licitra, V. M. Marino, G. Belvedere, G. Mangione, A. Difalco, R. Petriglieri, and M. Caccamo. Effect of cooking temperature on alkaline phosphatase in the production of raw-milk Pecorino cheese. (2022) ADSA Book of Abstract, J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 105, Suppl. 1 p 50

Mangione, G., Caccamo, M., Farina, G., & Licitra, G. (2022). Comparison of methods to homogenize ricotta cheese samples for total solids determination. JDS Communications, 4.

Mangione, G., Caccamo, M., Natalello, A., Licitra, G. (2023) Graduate Student Literature Reviews: History, technologies of production and characteristics of Ricotta cheese, a review. Journal of Dairy Science.

Busetta, G., Gaglio, R., Mangione, G., Garofalo, G., Franciosi, E., Gannuscio, R., Caccamo, M., Todaro, M., Di Gerlando, R, Settanni, L., & Licitra, G. (2023) Deep Insight into Bacterial Composition and Evolution During Pdo Provola Dei Nebrodi Cheese Production. Available at SSRN 4332272.