Antonio Gugliuzzo

Assegnista di ricerca
Responsabile scientifico: Antonio Biondi

Antonio Gugliuzzo è assegnista di ricerca post-dottorato dal Giugno 2023 (in corso). Ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in “Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science” nel Novembre 2022, contestualmente alla Certificazione di "Doctor Europaeus", discutendo una Tesi di Dottorato dal titolo "Development of new tools for sustainable management of non-native ambrosia beetles". La sua Tesi di Dottorato è stata premiata nel Febbraio 2024 dall'Associazione Italiana Società Scientifiche Agrarie (AISSA) come Migliore Tesi di Dottorato in AGR-11 discussa nel 2022-2023 (Premio Michele Stanca 2024).

Ad Antonio è stato conferito il titolo di “Cultore della materia” per il SSD AGR/11 - Entomologia generale e applicata - ad Aprile 2024. In precedenza, Antonio ha conseguito con il massimo dei voti la Laurea Magistrale in Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie LM69 (Maggio 2017). Antonio ha svolto attività di ricerca presso diverse istituzioni italiane e straniere, acquisendo numerose competenze in molteplici aspetti dell'entomologia generale e applicata, dell'ecologia, della tossicologia e dell'agronomia.

Antonio ricopre il ruolo di Associate Editor e Guest Editor e Peer Reviewer per diverse riviste scientifiche internazionali indicizzate (WoS/Scopus) ed è socio della Società Entomologica Italiana, Sezione di Entomologia Agraria, da Marzo 2021. I suoi risultati scientifici sono stati pubblicati o sono in corso di pubblicazione su riviste scientifiche internazionali indicizzate (WoS/Scopus).

Le sue prime attività di ricerca si sono concentrate sullo sviluppo di tecniche innovative di allevamento di fitofagi invasivi e dei loro nemici naturali (predatori e parassitoidi) e sulla stesura e validazione di protocolli sperimentali relativi all'esposizione degli insetti a sostanze tossiche, come insetticidi biologici e di sintesi, estratti naturali, formulati microbici, ecc.

Più recentemente, Antonio ha implementato le sue competenze scientifiche attraverso l’organizzazione e la partecipazione alle attività di progetti di ricerca riguardanti studi di campo e di laboratorio volti a valutare la biologia, l'ecologia, le interazioni multitrofiche e le strategie di controllo sostenibile di diverse specie fitofaghe invasive e dei relativi nemici naturali.

Inoltre, Antonio si è occupato e si occupa del co-coordinamento e dell’organizzazione di attività di ricerca riguardanti la valutazione dell'attività biologica di sostanze volatili di diversa origine nei confronti degli insetti e sulla valutazione degli effetti letali e subletali causati da sostanze con diversa origine e meccanismo d'azione nei confronti di fitofagi/entomofagi di rilevante e attuale interesse scientifico.

In generale, Antonio prende parte all’ideazione, organizzazione e conduzione di attività di ricerca di gruppi di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali su aspetti scientifici multidisciplinari riguardanti: (i) la bio-ecologia e le interazioni tra fitofagi invasivi e nemici naturali co-evoluti o non co-evoluti; (ii) il potenziale dei microrganismi utili nei confronti specie fitofaghe e organismi non target; (iii) lo sviluppo e la valutazione di nuove sostanze/tecniche di controllo biologico e/o IPM; (v) gli effetti letali e subletali di insetticidi biologici e di sintesi nei confronti di fitofagi e loro nemici naturali; (vi) il ruolo dei composti organici volatili nell'influenzare il comportamento degli insetti.


Research and Professional experience

  • 06/2023-ongoing: Post-Doc position (postdoc fellowship) - University of Catania. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A). “Development of innovative biological control strategies for the sustainable management of invasive pests in greenhouse crops” within the HORIZON-Europe project: “EU-China joint action to increase development and adoption of IPM tools - ADOPT IPM”. Under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Biondi.
  • 04/2023-06/2023: Research collaborator - University of Catania. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A). “Evaluation of sublethal effects of insecticides on the olfactory ability of two parasitoid insects” within the project: “Development of an experimental protocol for the study of olfactory reactions in Ganaspis brasiliensis and Necremnus tutae. Under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Biondi.
  • 10/2019-10/2022: PhD Course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science (International), University of Catania. Research project: “Development of new tools for sustainable management of non-native Ambrosia Beetles”. Under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Biondi and Prof. Giovanna Tropea Garzia.
  • 04/2021-09/2021: DAAD Research Grant (German Academic Exchange Service) + Erasmus+ Mobility, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Germany), Forest Entomology and Protection. Research project: “Multi-mutualistic interactions for optimized management of exotic fungus-farming beetles”. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Biedermann, Chair of Forest Entomology and Protection.
  • 07/2019-10/2019: Research and Development Advisor, ARGITAL S.r.l., Modica (Italy). “Assessment of repellence of clays towards different tomato pests and/or beneficials (i.e., Tuta absoluta, Bemisia tabaci and Nesidiocoris tenuis).”
  • 07/2019-10/2019: Research and Development Advisor, NDG Group S.r.l., Castel Maggiore (Italy). “Insecticidal activity of different substances toward the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys.”
  • 05/2018–05/2019: Research collaborator - University of Catania. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A). “Field and laboratory studies to evaluate biology, control strategies and biological activity of volatile substances against Xylosandrus compactus” within the project: “Phytosanitary defense against the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus on Carob tree”. Under the supervision of Prof. Giovanna Tropea Garzia.
  • 11/2018: Visiting Research Assistant - Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis - Research Centre for Agrobiology and Pedology (Florence) (CRA CRA-ABP). Collaboration on research topics concerning “Coleoptera Scolytinae infesting plants of agricultural and forest interest”. Under the supervision of Dr. Fabrizio Pennacchio, Senior Researcher of the Center.
  • 01/2018–03/2018: Research collaborator - University of Catania. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A). “Development of new experimental protocols for rearing and exposure to biocides of the pest Drosophila suzukii and its parasitoid Trichopria drosophilae” within the project: “Target and non-target entomotoxicity of bioinsectide nanoformulations”. Under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Biondi.



  • Entomological Society of America (ESA)
  • Società Entomologica Italiana (SEI)


Grants / Awards

  • Best PhD Thesis by the Italian Association of the Agricultural Science Societies (AISSA)

- Awarded for the best national PhD Thesis in Entomology discussed in 2022/23.

- February 2024 – Florence, Italy

- Award ceremony during the AISSA national conference on February 15, 2024.


  • Complimentary registration and travel stipend Award by ESA (Entomological Society of America)

- Invited speaker for the 2022 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting - November 13-16 - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

- Presentation title: “Biological control of invasive ambrosia beetles of the genus Xylosandrus


  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant

- DAAD is a joint organization of the universities and other institutions of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany. Supported from public funds, the DAAD promotes international academic cooperation, especially through the exchange of students and academics. Grants are awarded by selection committees comprising a panel of independent academics.

- Award-winning research project: “Multi-mutualistic interactions for optimized management of exotic fungus-farming beetles

- Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Biedermann; Host institution: University of Freiburg (Germany); Period: 04/2021 – 09/2021


  • Mobility for Traineeship – Erasmus+

- Traineeship during the PhD Course (04/2021-07/2021) at the research group on Forest Entomology & Protection at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the University of Freiburg (Germany)


Editorial tasks

Associate Editor

  • Associate editor for Neotropical Entomology (Springer)
  • Section: Pest Management
  • Journal Citation report WoS 2022: Impact factor 1.8; Ranking: 38/100, Q2 in Entomology


Guest editor

  • Guest Editor for Biological Control (Elsevier)
  • Special Issue: “Biological control of pests and pathogens in forests: current status and future trends in the years to come.”


Peer reviewer

  • Agricultural and Forest Entomology (Wiley)
  • Annals of Applied Biology (Wiley)
  • Biocontrol (Springer)
  • Biocontrol Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)
  • Biological Control (Elsevier)
  • Biological Invasions (Springer)
  • Ecotoxicology (Springer)
  • Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Wiley)
  • Entomologia Generalis (Schweizerbart)
  • Entomological Science (Wiley)
  • Environmental Entomology (Oxford Academic)
  • European Journal of Entomology
  • Journal of Economic Entomology (Oxford Academic)
  • Journal of Pest Science (Springer)
  • Oecologia (Springer)
  • Pest Management Science (Wiley)
  • Phytoparasitica (Springer)


Articles published in indexed journals

  • Lisi F., Cavallaro C., Pitruzzello M.F., Arnó J., Desneux N., Han P., Wang X., Zappalà L., Biondi A., Gugliuzzo A. (2024). Compatibility of bioinsecticides with parasitoids for enhanced integrated pest management of Drosophila suzukii and Tuta absolutaInsects, 15, 467. (Journal Citation report WoS 2023: Impact factor 2.7; Ranking: 16/109, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jul. 10, 2024: 0.
  • Lisi F., Cavallaro C., Fellin L., Gugliuzzo A., Desneux N., Anfora G., Rossi Stacconi M.V., Biondi A. (2024). Non-target effects of neurotoxic insecticides on Ganaspis brasiliensis, a classical biological control agent of the spotted wing Drosophila. CABI A&B, 5, 48. doi: 10.1186/s43170-024-00251-0. (Journal Citation report WoS 2022: Impact factor 3.9; Ranking: 16/85, Q1 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 0.
  • Gusella G., Gugliuzzo A., Guarnaccia V., Martino I., Aiello D., Costanzo M.B., Russo A., Groenewald J.Z., Crous P.W., Polizzi, G. (2024). Fungal species causing canker and wilt of Ficus carica and evidence of their association with bark beetles in Italy. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-01-24-0251-RE. (Journal Citation report WoS 2022: Impact factor 4.5; Ranking: 43/239, Q1 in Plant Sciences) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 0.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Gusella G., Leonardi G.R., Costanzo M.B., Ricupero M., Rassati D., Biondi A., Polizzi G. (2023). From a cause of rapid fig tree dieback to a new threat to mango production: the invasive bark beetle Cryphalus dilutus Eichhoff (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and its associated fungi found on mango trees in Europe. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin. doi: 10.1111/epp.12956. (Scopus Elsevier 2023: SJR 0.303; Ranking: 46/97, Q2 in Horticolture) Scopus Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 0.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Kreuzwieser J., Ranger C.M., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A., Biedermann P.H.W. (2023). Volatiles of fungal cultivars act as cues for host-selection in the fungus-farming ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1151078. (Journal Citation report WoS 2022: Impact factor 6.064; Ranking: 34/137, Q1 in Microbiology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 6.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Francardi V., Simoni S., Roversi P.F., Ferrati M., Spinozzi E., Perinelli D.R., Bonacucina G., Maggi F., Tortorici S., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A., Rizzo R. (2023). Role of plant essential oil nanoemulsions on host colonization by the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. Industrial Crops and Products, 195, 116437. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 6.449; Ranking: 6/90, Q1 in Agronomy) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 1.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Giuliano G., Rizzo R., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A. (2023). Lethal and sublethal effects of synthetic and bioinsecticides toward the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. Pest Management Science. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 4.463; Ranking: 8/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 0.
  • Giannetti D.*, Schifani E.*, Gugliuzzo A.*, Zappalà L., Biondi A., Grasso D. A. (2022). Native European ants can discourage host colonization and reduce reproductive success of the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. Biological Control, 174, 105032. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 3.857; Ranking: 13/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 9. * = Co-first authorship.
  • Passos L.C., Ricupero M., Gugliuzzo A., Soares M.A., Desneux N., Campolo O., Carvalho G.A., Biondi A., Zappalá L. (2022). Sublethal effects of plant essential oils toward the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis. Journal of Pest Science, (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 5.742; Ranking: 3/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 13.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Aiello D., Biondi A., Giurdanella G., Siscaro G., Zappalà L., Vitale A., Tropea Garzia G., Polizzi G. (2022). Microbial mutualism suppression by Trichoderma and Bacillus species for controlling the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. Biological Control, 170, 104929. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 3.857; Ranking: 13/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 8.
  • Passos L.C., Ricupero M., Gugliuzzo A., Soares M.A., Desneux N., Carvalho G.A., Zappalà L., Biondi A. (2022). Does the dose make the poison? Neurotoxic insecticides impair predator orientation and reproduction even at low concentrations. Pest management science, 78, 1698-1706. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 4.462; Ranking: 8/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 032, 2024: 22.
  • Ricupero M., Cammarata S., Gugliuzzo A., Biondi A., Zappalà L., Siscaro G. (2022). The parasitic complex of Halyomorpha halys: preliminary data on adaptation of native egg parasitoids to the invasive host. Acta Horticulturae. (Scopus Elsevier 2021: Cite Score 0.5; Ranking: 80/94, Q4 in Horticolture) Scopus Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 0.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Biedermann P.H.W., Carrillo D., Castrillo L.A., Egonyu J.P., Gallego D., Haddi K., Hulcr J., Jactel H., Kajimura H., Kamata N., Meurisse N., Li Y., Oliver J.B., Ranger C.M., Rassati D., Stelinski L.L., Sutherland R., Tropea Garzia G., Wright M.G., Biondi A. (2021). Recent advances toward the sustainable management of invasive Xylosandrus ambrosia beetles. Journal of Pest Science, 94, 615-637. (Journal Citation report WoS 2021: Impact factor 5.742; Ranking: 3/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 47. This is a WoS highly cited paper that received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Plant & Animal Science in November/December 2023. ---
  • Gugliuzzo A., Criscione G., Biondi A., Aiello D., Vitale A., Polizzi G., Tropea Garzia G. (2020). Seasonal changes in population structure of the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus and its associated fungi in a southern Mediterranean environment. PLOS ONE, 15, e0239011. (Journal Citation report WoS 2020: Impact factor 3.234; Ranking: 26/72, Q2 in Muldisciplinary sciences) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 18.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Criscione G., Tropea Garzia G., (2019). Unusual behavior of Xylosandrus compactus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) on Carob trees in a Mediterranean environment. Insects, 10, 82. (Journal Citation report WoS 2019: Impact factor 2.220; Ranking: 17/100, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 18.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Mazzeo G., Mansour R., Tropea Garzia G. (2019). Carob pests in the Mediterranean region: bio-ecology, natural enemies and management options. Phytoparasitica, 47, 605-628. (Journal Citation report WoS 2019: Impact factor 1.137; Ranking: 47/100, Q2 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 11.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Criscione G., Siscaro G., Russo A., Tropea Garzia G. (2019). First data on the flight activity and distribution of the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff) on carob trees in Sicily. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 49, 340-351. (Scopus Elsevier 2019: Cite Score 1.6; Ranking: 38/84, Q2 in Horticolture) Scopus Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 18.
  • Siscaro G., Lo Pumo C., Tropea Garzia, G., Tortorici S., Gugliuzzo A., Ricupero M., Biondi A., Zappalà L. (2019). Temperature and tomato variety influence the development and the plant damage induced by the zoophytophagous mirid bug Nesidiocoris tenuis. Journal of Pest Science, 92, 1049-1056. (Journal Citation report WoS 2019: Impact factor 4.578; Ranking: 2/101, Q1 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 30.
  • Naselli M., Zappalà L., Gugliuzzo A., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A., Rapisarda C., Cincotta F., Condurso C., Verzera A., Siscaro G. (2017). Olfactory response of the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis to tomato and alternative host plants. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11, 121-131. (Journal Citation report WoS 2017: Impact factor 1.591; Ranking: 32/96, Q2 in Entomology) WoS Citations on Jun. 03, 2024: 35.



Other papers

  • Vitale A., Gugliuzzo A. Principali avversità biotiche e strategie di controllo. In: Il carrubo Caratteristiche, coltivazione e utilizzi (Eds. La Malfa & Brugaletta). Book Chapter, pp. 99-125, Edagricole (2023).
  • Rizzo R., Gugliuzzo A. Il controllo del Bostrico tipografo, tra cambiamenti climatici e nuove prospettive. Georgofili INFO, Notiziario di informazione a cura dell'Accademia dei Georgofili, online (16 March 2022).
  • Gugliuzzo A., Tropea Garzia G. Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff) - Emergenza fitosanitaria per i carrubi siciliani. ENTOMATA, Newsletter della Società Entomologica Italiana, N. 9 (22 June 2019).
  • Gugliuzzo A., Tropea Garzia G. Informative booklet: “Xylosandrus compactus – uno scolitide invasivo che attacca il legno”. University of Catania (The booklet reports main relevant knowledge and research results about the biology, ecology and management options of the invasive ambrosia beetle X. compactus in the Mediterranean (2020)).



In press, under review and submitted articles

  • Gugliuzzo A., Cavallaro C., Strano C.P., Alinç T., Passos L.C., Ricupero M., Lisi F., Cocuzza G.E.M., Colazza S., Russo A., Siscaro G., Tropea Garzia G., Zappalà L., Biondi A. (2024). Seasonal flight activity of Drosophila suzukii and first data on its parasitoids on Mount Etna (Italy). Under review.



Conference proceedings

  • Milordo M., Nicotra D., Porcu E., Gugliuzzo A., Catara V., Cocuzza G.M., Zappalà L., Ricupero M. (Poster) Root-associated microorganisms for optimizing biological control in tomato. Agritech - Spoke 2 Mid-Term Meeting, 27-28 February, 2024, Portici, Italy.
  • Scavo A., Lombardo S., Biondi A., Pandino G., Tropea Garzia G., Salicola S.A., Cavallaro C., Gugliuzzo A., Formenti C., Lisi F., Pesce G.R., Mauromicale G. (Poster). ‘Early’ potato – pea intercropping: first evidence on productive traits and insect control. 52nd National Conference of the Italian Society of Agronomy, 25-27 September 2023, Portici, Italy.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Kreuzwieser J., Ranger C.M., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A., Biedermann P.H.W. (Oral Presentation). Volatiles of fungal mutualists can act as aggregation cues during host-selection by an ambrosia beetle. XXVII Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session VI – Insects and Microorganisms, 12-16 June 2023, Palermo, Italy.
  • Giannetti D., Schifani E., Gugliuzzo A., Zappalà L., Biondi A., Grasso D.A. (Oral Presentation). Native European ants can discourage host colonization and reduce reproductive success of the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) XXVII Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session VIII – Biological Control and Integrated Pest Management, 12-16 June 2023, Palermo, Italy.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Biondi A. (Invited Oral Presentation). Biological control of invasive ambrosia beetles of the genus Xylosandrus. ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting, 13-16 November 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia, (Canada).
  • Gugliuzzo A. (Oral Presentation). Invasive Xylosandrus ambrosia beetles: global impact, management options and open challenges. 4th Joint Meeting of Agriculture-oriented PhD Programs UniCT, UniFG and UniUd, 3-7 October 2022, Paluzza, Udine (Italy).
  • Tsolakis H., Tropea Garzia G., Gugliuzzo A. (Poster). An unusual overwintering of Tetranychus urticae Koch on strawberries in Sicily (Italy). 9th Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists. 12-15 July 2022, Bari (Italy).
  • Ricupero M., Cammarata S., Gugliuzzo A., Biondi A., Zappalà L., Siscaro G. (Poster). The parasitic complex of Halyomorpha halys: preliminary data on adaptation of native egg parasitoids to the invasive host. III International Organic Fruit Symposium and I International Organic Vegetable Symposium, 14-16 December 2021, online.
  • Gugliuzzo A. (Oral Presentation). Multi-mutualistic interactions for optimized management of the exotic fungus-farming beetle Xylosandrus germanus. 3rd Joint Meeting of Agriculture-oriented PhD Programs UniCT, UniFG and UniUd, 11-15 October 2021, Giovinazzo (Italy).
  • Gugliuzzo A., Criscione G., Giurdanella G., Vitale A., Aiello D., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A. (Oral Presentation). Potential of biopesticides for controlling the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus and its main symbiont Ambrosiella xylebori. XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session IX - Forest Entomology, 7-11 June 2021, online.
  • Passos L.C., Ricupero M., Gugliuzzo A., Soares M.A., Desneux N., Carvalho G., Campolo O., Palmeri V., Siscaro G., Zappalà L., Biondi A. (Poster). Lethal and sublethal effects of synthetic insecticides and plant essential oils toward the omnivorous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis. XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session XIII - Biological Control and Integrated Pest Management, 7-11 June 2021, online.
  • Vitale S., Luongo L., Pennacchio F., Petrucci M., Galli M., Tropea Garzia G., Gugliuzzo A., Francardi V. (Poster). Survey on Xylosandrus compactus associated fungi in Italy. XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session VII - Insects and Microorganisms, 7-11 June 2021, online.
  • Biondi A., Pehelivan S., Strano C.P., Santoro L.M., Gugliuzzo A., Ricupero M., Siscaro G., Zappalà L. (Poster). Potential toxicity of plant essential oils toward the brown marmorated stink Bug. XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology (CNIE), Session VI – Agricultural Entomology, 7-11 June 2021, online.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Aiello D., Vitale A., Polizzi G., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A. (Poster). Antagonistic and mycoparasitic microorganisms as potential tools for controlling the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. Young Scientists for Plant Health, Web Workshop, 16 December 2020, online.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Vitale A., Aiello D., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A. (Oral Presentation). Antagonistic and mycoparasitic microorganisms as potential tools for controlling the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. European PhD Network “Insect Science”, XI Annual Meeting, 30 November - 4 December 2020, online.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Tropea Garzia G., Biondi A. (Oral Presentation). Population dynamics and carob variety susceptibility to the invasive ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus compactus. 2nd Joint Meeting of Agriculture-oriented PhD Programs UniCT, UniFG and UniUd, 14-16 September 2020, online.
  • Gugliuzzo A., Criscione G., Siscaro G., Russo A., Tropea Garzia G. (Poster). Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff): a serious threat to Carobs in Sicily. European PhD Network “Insect Science”, IX Annual Meeting, 14-16 November 2018, Florence (Italy).
  • Gugliuzzo A., Cavallaro C., Alinç T., Finocchiaro E., Tropea Garzia G., Siscaro G., Zappalà L., Biondi A. (Poster). Population dynamics of Drosophila suzukii and first data on its parasitoids on Mount Etna (Italy). XI European Congress of Entomology, 2-6 July 2018, Naples (Italy).