Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Pianificazione territoriale, ambientale e del paesaggio
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe Inturri
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Provide the knowledge and skills necessary to address the typical problems of Transport Engineering with a systemic approach, achieved in the perspective of their planning and integration with other systems at territorial and urban level

Course Structure

Teaching takes place through a series of lectures, classroom exercises and in-depth seminars. A guided visit of the Catania underground works will be carried out, based on the availability of the company responsible for the works.

Detailed Course Content

1 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRANSPORT •Transport and transport engineering •Modes of transport •Collective transport systems •Mechanics of locomotion

2 TRANSPORT PLANNING PROCESS •Architecture of the process •Planning process •Analysis of transport demand •Analysis of transport supply •Interaction demand/supply

3. ASSESSMENT TOOLS •Public participation in transport decisions •Cost-benefit analysis - Multi criteria analysis •Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment

•Sustainable mobility
•Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan - Urban Traffic Plan
•Cycling mobility
•Mobility Management
•land use - transport interaction
•Demand responsive transport services for weak-demand areas
•Freight and Logistics (Urban)

Textbook Information

  1. Lecture notes available at http://studium.unict.it/
  2. Marino de Luca, Manuale di Pianificazione dei trasporti, Franco Angeli
  3. Vukan Vuchic, Urban Transit Systema and Technology, Wiley
  4. Juan Ortuzar e Luis Willumsen, Pianificazione dei sistemi di trasporto, Hoepli
  5. Stefano Ricci, Tecnica ed Economia dei Trasporti, Hoepli