Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° Year - Curriculum Pianificazione del paesaggio
Teaching Staff: Giovanna Maria Pina Tomaselli
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To give students the tools to analyze the territorial systems, with particular emphasis on rural areas, using the methodologies and the latest techniques and proven in the field, with the aim to train them to understand the value of the resources available to support the activities planning of local authorities.

Detailed Course Content

History and definitions. Main rules and guidelines. Sources of information for the understanding and analysis of the territory. Methodological guidelines. Indicators. Analysis of suitability. Planning at various levels. Planning tools for agricultural land and forestry. Parks: suburban, agricultural, cultural, linear. Greenways and ecological corridors. Protected areas. Redevelopment of the area. Multifunctionality of rural areas.

Textbook Information

  1. G. Astengo – Voce “Urbanistica”, Enciclopedia Universale Dell’Arte, Vol. XIV;
  2. Codice Urbani
  3. Direttiva CEE Habitat
  4. Direttiva CEE Uccelli
  5. Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, Firenze 2000.
  6. Frederick Steiner – Costruire il paesaggio. Un approccio ecologico alla pianificazione del territorio. Mc Graw-Hill, Milano, II edizione, 2004.
  7. Ian L. McHarg. Progettare con la natura (Design with nature, 1969). Franco Muzzio Editore, Padova 2007.
  8. R. Colantonio Venturelli, A. Galli, E. Marcheggiani, G. Paci. Per uno studio sistemico del territorio e del paesaggio.
  9. A. Toccolini – Piano e progetto di area verde. Maggioli editori.
  10. B. Guccione, G. paolinelli – Piani del paesaggio. Alinea.