Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Giampaolo SCHILLACI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding abilities about physical quantities and machines in use for major crops

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding abilities, becoming able to make conversions between the units of measurement of different systems (International System and Technical System) in professional consultations and field situations, to apply knowledge of physical quantities in concrete field and construction site situations, to competently select agricultural machinery according to objectives.

Making judgment in the selection of agricultural machinery and use procedures according to the knowledge learned during the lectures and exercises included in the Course.

Communication skills are developed during lectures, exercises, and Exam Simulations, during which the Student comes into contact with and then uses the appropriate terms and learns to use language consistent with the Discipline.

Learning skills is an implicit objective of the Course, which aims to impart useful elements to face the world of work and higher level studies.

Course Structure

 6 Credits - 63 total hours - Lectures 21 hours - Participatory exercises 42 hours - Technical paper  - Voluntary self-assessment test - Simulated examination

In case the teaching is given in a blended or distance mode, the necessary variations may be introduced in order to comply with the syllabus provided and given in the syllabus.

During the exam, the technical paper that each student will write from the classroom exercises will be discussed.

Verification of learning may also be carried out electronically, should conditions require it.

Information for students with disabilities and/or learning disorders.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current regulations, students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on learning objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to refer to the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or learning disorders)

If conditions require teaching given in a hybrid mode or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what previously stated in order to comply with the program.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of the elements of Mathematics and Physics

Attendance of Lessons

 Because professional topics are involved and because the rate of updating in the field and current research is high, attendance at lectures is recommended, where it is not made compulsory by the Graduate Course Regulations. Attendance is also highly recommended in the first part of the Course.

Detailed Course Content

Provide basic knowledge of physics and mechanics functional to understanding the operating principles of agricultural machinery of interest to the course, their adjustments and techniques of use. Awareness about the criteria for making choices based on the objectives to be pursued and according to the constraints to be met, including the impact of machine use on the environment and crops and the risks to operators.

Textbook Information

 1 - Lecture materials (handouts and power points) from the lecturer

2 - Lecture notes taken by the Student

3 - Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1 Measurement systems - Physical quantities, units of measurement and conversions - Recalls of applied physics. Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
2 Definition and classification of machines - Yields - General equation of machines. Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
3 Notes on Passive external frictional resistances (for sliding, rolling, bearing and pushing pivot friction) Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
4 Transmission ratios and types of couplings Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
5 Notes on the constitution, operation and performance of provoked ignition (Otto cycle) and compression ignition engines (Diesel and Fast Diesel or Sabathé cycles) - Timing and phases of thermal engines - Characteristic engine curves (power, torque, specific fuel consumption) and practical significance. Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
6 Traction on agricultural soil - The resistance to tillage - Locomotive organs - Hints on the reactions between locomotive organs and agricultural soil - Adhesion and tractive effort - Pressure on agricultural soil - Dimensioning Tractor - Operator Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
7 Agricultural tractor Definition - - classification - description - transmissions (mechanical, hydrostatic, electric) - devices for connection to operating machines - hook effort - hook efficiency - hook power - engine power - dynamic balance - risks to operators and the environment - ISOBUS systems Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point
8 Machinery for Mediterranean crops: Arboretums and vineyards - Arable crops - Vegetable crops. Lecturer's teaching materials: handouts and power point

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Final oral exam. 

During the exam there will be a recognition of the agricultural machinery studied in the course.

Evaluation of the oral interview is based on relevance, correctness, comprehensibility of answers, ability to make connections between program topics and report examples consistent with the topic under discussion, quality of content, and ownership of technical language.
Exercises are available on Studium. Simulation of Examination without classroom or telematic grading.

Verification of learning may also be conducted telematically, should conditions require it.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies

Ability to analyze and synthetize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize

Use of references: Completely inappropriate



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Analysis and synthesis skills: Just enough skills

Use of references: just appropriate

Topics are expounded, but incompletely, and the examination proceeds through supportive interventions by the lecturer  



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge

Ability to analyze and synthesize: ability of correct analysis and synthesis. Argue logically and consistently

Using references: Use standard references

Topics are expounded in an overall sufficient manner through moderate supportive interventions by the lecturer 



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: good analysis and synthesis skills. The arguments are consistently expressed

Using references: Use of standard references



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good

Ability to analyze and synthesize: considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis

Use of references: the topic has been explored in depth


30-30 e lode

Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge

Ability to analyze and synthesize: excellent abilities of analysis and synthesis.

Use of references: Important insights.

Exposition is fluent, with appropriate terms, without supportive intervention or correction by the teacher. 


Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Units of measurement and conversions

Machine definition, Engine definition, Yields, Gear ratios, Adhesion

Machine sizing in relation to soil and crop characteristics

Recognition of agricultural machinery, Classification, description, operation, adjustments, environmental and human hazards