Course Overview

Prof. Giuseppe Luciano

The Bachelor's Degree in Management of Mediterranean Agricultural Production Systems (L 25), delivered at the decentralized campus of Ragusa (, aims to train graduates capable of integrating into various professional sectors of agriculture, with a strong sensitivity towards the sustainability of agricultural systems and the specific characteristics of the Mediterranean environment. The course follows a multidisciplinary educational approach, providing a solid scientific basis (mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and biology) which facilitates the comprehensive acquisition of expertise in key agricultural sciences, including “crop production”, “plant protection”, “animal production”, “agricultural engineering”, and “agricultural economics and policy”. A distinctive feature of the program is the availability of specialized curricular paths, allowing students to deepen their knowledge in the areas of either “vegetable production in protected environment”, or “Mediterranean fruit production”, or “livestock production”. The offering of these areas of study also aligns with the productive vocations of the Hyblean territory, where the program is delivered. Although primarily designed to provide practical skills for immediate professional integration, the course also ensures a strong academic foundation for further studies in Master's degree programs across various disciplines.


The degree program aims to deliver expertise in the following main areas:

  • Design of sustainable agricultural systems, through the rational application of production methods and resources, the adoption of ecological practices, waste reduction, the preservation of natural resources within the agro-ecosystem, and the protection of plant and animal biodiversity.
  • Technical management of cropping systems, agronomic and cultivation techniques, and crop protection strategies to optimize the production of major herbaceous, horticultural, floricultural, and tree crops in the Mediterranean environment, with a focus on sustainability and quality enhancement.
  • Livestock farming and animal feeding systems for species of zootechnical interest in the Mediterranean region, with strategies aimed at increasing sustainability, reducing environmental impact, and improving product quality.
  • Methods and techniques for the efficient and sustainable management of machinery, equipment, structures, and water resources in Mediterranean agricultural production systems.
  • Analysis of environmental and socio-economic factors influencing agricultural production, principles of rural valuation and appraisal, and the development of rural development strategies to underpin agricultural production in the Mediterranean context.


The Bachelor's Degree in Management of Mediterranean Agricultural Production Systems (L-25) has no restricted access. Admission requires possession of a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad. An adequate basic knowledge in general culture and scientific disciplines (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics, and logical-mathematical reasoning) might be desirable.
For information and admission procedures, visit


The Course has open admission ( Therefore, no examination is required for admission. However, students must have or acquire an adequate foundation in mathematics. The procedures for assessing and fulfilling any Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) in mathematics, which must be completed within the first year, are outlined at:

Students will not be allowed to take exams until they have fulfilled any assigned OFA requirements.


Graduates in Management of Mediterranean Agricultural Production Systems can pursue careers as independent consultants, public administration officials, or employees in the private and non-profit sectors. Upon passing the national qualification exam, they may register in Section B (Junior Agronomist) of the Professional Register of Agronomists and Foresters.

This degree prepares students for professions such as:

  • Agricultural Technicians
  • Environmental Control Technicians
  • Livestock Specialists

The acquired knowledge and skills equip graduates for diverse professional activities, in line with the multifunctional role of agriculture, including:

  • Technical and managerial roles in agricultural enterprises, companies producing materials, machinery, and equipment for agriculture, and agricultural processing and distribution enterprises.
  • Technical and management functions related to environmental protection and sustainable territorial development.
  • Freelance work, including project collaboration, consultancy, assistance, asset valuation, technical equipment assessment, and management of agri-food products.
  • Technical positions in national and international institutions (e.g., Ministries, Regional Authorities, Research Institutes, Agricultural Development Agencies) and organizations involved in agricultural development (e.g., FAO, UN, EU).

Finally, although designed for immediate professional application, the program also provides a strong academic foundation for further studies in Master's Degree programs across various fields (e.g., LM-69, LM-70, LM-7, LM-75).


To ensure consistency and unity in the cultural and scientific training, students follow a common core of disciplines that provide the necessary multidisciplinary knowledge through basic, specialized, and complementary subjects, functionally distributed over the three years. Starting from the second year, students can choose from three curricular paths, each offering specific coursework to deepen their expertise in the following areas:

  • Livestock Production Systems
  • Protected Cultivation Systems
  • Mediterranean Fruit Production
Below is the breakdown of the coursework over the three years:
  • Agronomy and field crops
  • Soil fertility and plant nutrition
  • Fundamentals of general, inorganic, and organic chemistry
  • Mathematics and statistical methods
  • Mechanization and digitalization of agricultural production processes
  • Animal production and biodiversity conservation
  • Zoology and agricultural genetics
  • Agricultural buildings and structures
  • Agricultural economics and rural appraisal
  • General arboriculture
  • Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture
  • Agri-food technologies and microbiology
  • Vegetable and ornamental crops

Curricular path “Livestock Production Systems

  • Animal nutrition and feeding

Curricular path “Protected Cultivation Systems

  • Horticultural nursery

Curricular path “Mediterranean Fruit Production

  • Mediterranean fruit production
  • Entomology and plant pathology
  • Agricultural policy and rural development

Curricular path “Livestock Production Systems

  • Sustainable livestock production systems
  • Machinery and crops for livestock farming
  • Farming of minor livestock species

Curricular path “Protected Cultivation Systems

  • Pest control in protected cultivation
  • Diseases of horticultural and floricultural crops
  • Vegetable farming systems in protected environments

Curricular path “Mediterranean Fruit Production

  • Entomology of fruit crops
  • Diseases of fruit crops
  • Quality and post-harvest management of fruits



Regardless of the chosen specialized curricular paths, all students will acquire additional educational credits through:

  • Elective courses, chosen by the students
  • English language
  • Internship and further activities for professional development


The Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Mediterranean Agricultural Production Systems is awarded upon passing a final exam, which consists of the discussion of a written dissertation of a predominantly compilative nature. The dissertation may be written in either Italian or English under the supervision of a faculty member, who may also be affiliated with another university, acting as the thesis advisor.